Cards (10)

  • What was the Little Albert study - Study they took a baby's fear of loud noise and used classical conditioning to make the baby fear white rats
  • UCS - Loud noise
    UCR - Fear
    NS - White rats
    CS - White rats
    CR - Fear
  • Who did latent learning - Tolman
  • What is latent learning - learning that can take place without the immediate presence of a reward
  • What did Tolman experiment on - rats
  • Tolman and Honzik
    What was their experiment - Put rats in a maze , one group received a reward after finishing the maze and the other group didn't recive any rewards for 10 days
    Group 1 - Less errors
    Group 2 - No improvement for 10 days only improved once they received reward. Had no incentive to run without errors
  • Who did insight learning - Kohler
  • What did Kohler experiment on - A chimp called Sultan
  • What happened in the experiment - Sultan the chimp was given 2 bamboo sticks to get fruit outside the cage
    Played with the sticks when it couldn't get the fruit
    Abandoned the sticks and ran to get the fruit
  • Why is operant conditioning sophisticated?

    No every animal can be operantly conditioned