Cards (15)

  • What is operant conditioning - Learning behaviours from consequences
  • What does reinforcement do - It increases the likelihood of a behaviour being repeated
  • What does punishment do - decreases the liklihood of the behaviour being repeated
  • What are the two types of reinforcements - Positive and negative
  • When does positive reinforcement occur - When a behaviour is carried out to receive a reward
  • When does negative reinforcement occur - When a behaviour is carried out to avoid receiving a negative concequence
  • What was Skinner's theory called - Skinners Box
  • What did he demonstrate - the mechanisms of negative and postive reinforcement
  • When did he use a positive reinforcement - When the rat would press the lever for food pellets
  • When did he use a negative reinforcement - When the rat would press the lever to avoid a negative consequence
  • How is biology involved?
    • Involved on what the animal learns due to its physical, perceptual or motor capabilities
    • Their capacity of learning
    • How things are learned and how behaviours are expressed
    • When things are learned (sensitive periods)
  • What does equipotentiality mean?
    Any response that can be operantly conditioned in any stiumlated situation
  • What does instinctive drift mean?
    The tendancy of some animals to revert back to their instinctive behaviour
  • What does prepardeness mean?
    What we learn is limited to our biology and predispositions
  • What does behaviourism downplay?
    The role of cognitive factors and intelligence in learning