Wundt and Introspection

Cards (7)

  • When did Wundt set up his first laboratory experiment - 1879
  • What did he adopt - the use of introspection
  • What is introspection - a means of learning about one’s own currently ongoing mental 2 states or processes
  • What did he isolate conscious thoughts into - basic structures of thoughts, processes and images (structuralism)
  • What did Wundt want to establish psychology as - A legitimate science separate from philopsohy
  • What were some problems with introspection - Unscientific
    Involves looking inwards
    Relies on reflecting analysing and trying to make sense of our own internal experiences
  • What is some evaluation points -
    Helped establish psychology as an independent experimental science
    Behaviourists has more success than him by focusing on behaviour
    Relied heavily on introspection
    Introspection changed over time as it lack reliability