Cards (16)

  • What does SLT suggest ?
    The learning occurs both directly in CC and OC and indirectly through vicarious reinforcement
  • What are the following stages of learning that are assumed to occur during SLT?
    • Observer identifies themselves with the role models
    • Model acts a certain behaviour and the observer tends to copy it
    • The likelihood of the observer copying the behaviour is increased if the model is seen the vicarious reinforce or rewarded
    • The consequence of the observed behaviour was more important than observing the behaviour alone
  • What is a role model?

    Someone whom the observer identifies with
  • What characteristics does the role model usually have?
    High social status
    Similar in age
    Same gender
  • What are the two types of modelling?

    Live and symbolic
  • What does a symbolic model mean?
    Actions are portrayed in another medium like television, videotapes, computer games
  • What does a live model mean - Someone performing the behaviour in front of the observer
  • What is identification - The process where the observer relates/associates themselves with the role model
  • What is vicarious reinforcement - Type of indirect learning where the observer learns by watching their role model be rewarded for a certain behaviour
  • What does vicarious reinforcement do - Motivates the observer to imitate the behaviour by judging the likelihood of receiving a similar outcome
  • What does meditation processes mean - It's a cognitive process that mediates between a stimulus and a response
  • What are the 5 meditational processes -
    Motor ability
  • What does attention mean - The observer must pay attention to the model
  • What does retention mean - The observer must be able to remember the behaviour they observed
  • What does motivation mean - The observers must be willing to demonstrate what they learned
  • What does motor ability mean - They need to have the ability to repeat the behaviour they observed