The Central Powers were, Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire (Turkey), Bulgaria
The Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28th 1919 by Germany and the allies.
The Allied Powers were the United States, Britain, France, Italy, and Russia
The First World War was fought between the Allies and the Central Powers.
The US entered the First World War in 1917
Germany and the Central Powers were defeated in November 1918
Deputies were elected to the German Parliament (Reichstag) based on UAF
The peace treaty at Versailles was a harsh and humiliating one for Germany
The Treaty of Versailles imposed heavy reparations payments on Germany
Germany lost its overseas colonies, one tenth of it population, 13% of its territories, 75% of its iron and 25% of its coal in France, Poland, Denmark and Lithuania
The Allied demilitarised Germany to weaken its powers
Germany was forced to pay compensation amounting to 6billion
Many Germans held the Weimar Republic responsible for the defeat in First World War
Weimar republic had no control over foreign policy as they were not allowed to have an army or navy
Inflation caused by printing money led to hyperinflation which made people lose faith in currency
The birth of the Weimar republic coincided with the revolutionary uprising of the Spartacist League (like Bolshevik)
The political atmosphere in Berlin was changed with the demand for soviet style governance
The Spartacist League founded the Communist Party of Germany
In 1923 Germany refused to pay war compensation
Germany printed paper money recklessly, causing hyper-inflation
With too much printed currency the German mark fell, and prices of goods soared
During the hyper-inflation, America intervened and bailed Germany out of the crisis by Dawes plan, which reworked the terms of the reparations to ease the financial burden of Germany
The Enabling Act of March-3-1933 gave Hitler the power to rule by decree and gave him the power to dismiss the Reichstag
The Fire Decree of February-28-1933 was a law that gave the government the power to arrest and imprison anyone who spoke out against the government
Chancellorship is always 4 years
Hitler assumed Chancellorship in January-30-1933
Germany attacked Poland in 1939
'National Socialist German Workers Party' - Nazi Party
Tripartite Pact in 1940, was signed by Germany, Japan and Italy
Soviet Red Army defeated Hitler in a humiliating way in 1945