What is the first stage of embryo development known as?
A variation of mitosis involving repeated cell division but no interphase (so cell is dividing but not growing)
Happens as embryo moves down oviduct
What is the result of cleavage?
A blastocyst
A hollow ball of small, identical, undifferentiated cells
When does the blastocyst form?
As the zygote enters the oviduct (approximately 5 days after fertilisation)
What type of stem cell are cells of the human embryo?
Embryonic stem cells
Embryonic stem cells
Cells that have the potential to differentiate into many cell types
Are embryonic stem cells totipotent or pluripotent?
Able to develop into many cell types
How do the outer and inner layers of the blastocyst differentiate?
Outer layer of cells forms the placenta
Inner layer of cells have lost some ability to differentiate
How does the blastocyst hatch?
Inner layer breaks free of outer layer and begins to implant in uterus lining after approximately 7 days
Cell determination
The predestination of cells to become particular types from early in the development of the embryo (cells are destined to become a particular type just days after conception)