gender and crime

Cards (12)

  • In 2012 4/5 convicted offenders in England and Wales were male
  • Polak said men have a protective attitude to women and hate to arrest or accuse them
  • Farrington and Morris studied 408 offences of theft and that women were not sentenced more leniently
  • Heidnson said that the patriarchal society imposes greater control over women, reducing opportunities to offend
  • Dobash said that men have financial control to deny activities to keep women confined
  • Carlen says humans are controlled by rewards to confirm to norms e.g class and gender deals
  • Adler said that growing female criminality is due to changing gender roles
  • Jackson Katz says that men have a tough guise that they learn early in life to prove their masculinity
  • Messerschmidt says that men turn to crime to assert masculinity when other means are blocked
  • Theories on gender and crime include: assertion of masculinity theory, sex role theory, chivalry thesis, patriarchal control and the liberation thesis
  • Parsons put forward the sex role theory that boys and girls are socialised differently making boys more predisposed to crime
  • The female crime rate began rising in 1950 - long before the women's liberation movement, which emerged in late 1950s.