
Cards (29)

  • Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and body
  • Socrates and Plato were dualists; the belief that there is two seperate and independent realities/domains
  • Socrates and Plato believed that the physical world was a bad representation of the real world
  • Empiricism is the theory of knowledge is gained through sensory situations
  • Aristotle is a father of psychology who studied memory, motivation, evolutionary perception and personality
  • Descartes created dualism; the belief of two seperate and independent realities/domains
  • Locke was an essentialist; he believed that everyone is innate
  • Innate is to be inborn or natural
  • Locke believed in Tabula Rosa; the idea that people are born with blank slates
  • Wilhelm Wundt and Edward B. Titchener were psychologists that were interested in the mind's consciousness and its structure
  • Wilhelm Wundt and Edward B. Titchener were the first to do a psychology experiment
  • Wilhelm Wundt and Edward B. Titchener created structuralism and introspection
  • Structuralism is the spectation of the mind and human consciousness
  • Introspection is the spectating on mental and emotional processes
  • William James rejected structuralism and created functionalism
  • Functionalism is the function of behavior and mental processes
  • Stability vs Change is the ability to maintain a stable state despite change
  • Rationally vs Irrationally is the issue of how rational one can be when making decisions
  • Nature vs Nurture is the idea that our behavior is influenced by both genes and our environment
  • An evolutionary perspective is the understanding of human behavior through the influence of natural selection
  • Psychodynamic/Psychoanalytic perspective focuses on the development of children sexually and unconsciousness conflict that effects it
  • Behavioral perspective is the observation of actions and behavior that is impacted by ones environment
  • Conditioning is the learning of association
  • Operant Conditioning is the learning of behaviors that are good/bad get rewards/punishments
  • Humanistic Perspective is the direct response to humanistic behavior; it's based off of self-growth, self-esteem and self-conflict
  • Social-Cultural Perspective is the study of a culture and how it affects ones social life
  • Biological Perspective (Physiological/Neuroscience) is based on hereditary and environmental influences
  • Cognitive Perspective is based on mental processing and cognition
  • Mental processing is the process of sensation, perception, learning, memory and language