Govt and opposition 1888-1914

Cards (37)

  • Personality of Kaiser Wilhelm II
    • Ruled 1888-1918
    • Period of personal rule - 1890-1914
    • Had deformity w/ left arm - historians argued this affected his behaviour
    • Irresolute, restless
    • Militaristic, wavering policies, regularly appointed/dismissed Chancellors shows indecision
    • Often interfered with Reichstag
  • Chancellors in order
    • Leo von Caprivi 1890-1894
    • Prince Schillingsfurst 1894-1900
    • Bernhard von Bulow 1900-1909
    • Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg 1909-1917
  • Caprivi relationship with Kaiser + Reichstag
    Relationship w/ Kaiser = personally selected by Kaiser, Caprivi found Kaiser difficult work w/, Kaiser interfered when Cap wanted Prots/Cath Churches to have more control over education
    Relationship w/ reichstag = 1893 - reichstag allowed to discuss military budget every 5 years, bill increase army by 84,000 men
  • Caprivi - challenges faced + policies
    Challenges = opposed by conservative Prussian landowners + circle of aristocrats called Camarillo
    Policies = ended Anti-Socialist Law, reduction in tariffs, allowed Reichstag more control over majority of Germany's budget - 80% went to military spending, reforms were liked by working class, socialists, industrialists
  • Schillingsfurst relationship w/ Kaiser + Reichstag
    • Selected as he posed no political threat to the Kaiser
    • Figurehead Chancellor - called a 'straw doll'
    • Kaiser ignored him
    • Reichstag did not approve two bills he put forward to curb Socialism
  • Schillingsfurst - challenges and policies
    Challenges - Wilhelm favoured Bismarck's alliance of steel/rye and development of Sammlungspolitik, rise of right-wing pressure groups, nationalist sympathies opposed socialism created more chaos
    Policies - law against use of pulpit as political platform, supported expulsion of Jesuit order, 1894 Subversion Bill and 1899 Anti-Union Bill both rejected by Reichstag
  • Bulow - relationship with Kaiser + Reichstag
    • Prepared for office by Kaiser's inner circle
    • Flattered Kaiser by visiting every morning - earnt nickname 'the eel'
    • Kaiser trusted him but relationship later dwindled
    • Failed to control the Reichstag + failed to get approval needed for Kaiser's increased military spending
  • Bulow - challenges and policies
    Challenges = Socialists received credit for Bulow's new social reforms, SPD increased its votes, food prices rose due to tariffs, tried to force increased taxes - opposed by SPD and Zentrum
    Policies = 1902 - new tariff law restored duties on agricultural products, repressive action against Poles, extended accident/health insurance, payment for deputies in Reichstag in 1906 - lower working class men w/ low income could get paid by becoming deputies
  • Bethmann-Hollweg - relationship w/ Kaiser and reichstag
    • Less harmonious relationship w Kaiser
    • He allowed Kaiser to take personal control over military/foreign affairs
    • In 1913 he received vote of no confidence from Reichstag, so he stopped trying to work through the Reichstag + issued imperial decrees w/o consultation
  • Bethmann-Hollweg - challenges + policies
    Challenges = budget deficit w/ demands of increased military spending, increased demands from left-wing, he was inexperienced in foreign/military affairs
    Policies = large increase in size of army funded by special defence tax
  • Right-wing pressure groups
    Pan-German League - est 1891 - aimed to unite Germans, acquire colonies - by 1914 = 25,000 members
    Navy League - est 1898 - aimed to promote naval expansion - 500,000 members
    Agrarian League - est 1893 - aimed to protect agricultural interests, tariffs help farmers - by 1913 = 333,000 members
  • More right-wing pressure groups
    Army League - est 1912 - promote army expansion - 1914 = 300,000 members
    Imperial League against Social Democracy - est 1904 - curb socialism w/ propaganda - 200,000 members
    Industrialists’ League - Est 1895 - protect manufacturing interests, promote exports - support from manufacturing and export industries
  • What did Wilhelm II believe about his power?
    He believed he had the final say
  • What was a significant action taken by Wilhelm II regarding Chancellors?
    He regularly appointed and dismissed them
  • What did Wilhelm II do during his personal rule 1897-1908?
    Made all legislation and diplomatic moves
  • When did the Daily Telegraph Affair occur?
    28 October 1908
  • What did Kaiser Wilhelm II claim in the Daily Telegraph interview?
    He was the only anglophile German
  • When did the Zabern Affair occur?
    December 1913
  • What caused unrest in Saverne?
    A German army officer insulted locals
  • What did the German parliament do on 4 December during the Zabern Affair?
    Accepted a vote of no confidence BUT Wil ignored this - he only needed Chancellor's support
  • What was the status of the SPD in Europe by 1914?
    Largest Socialist party in Europe
  • What was the public reaction to the military's behavior in Saverne?
    Outcry against totalitarianism
  • What counterbalanced the support for the SPD?
    Support for extreme nationalist and anti-Semitic groups
  • What percentage of the national vote did the SPD receive by 1912?
    More than one third
  • What strengthened the SPD's membership during the 1890s?
    Failure of Anti-Socialist Laws and Caprivi's policies
  • What did the 'Erfurt Programme' demand?
    Abolition of class rule and equal rights
  • Who was Bebel and what theory did August Bebel develop?
    One of the founders of the SPD + theory of Gradual socialism which will bring about constitutional change
  • What was the status of the SPD from 1878 to 1890?
    Officially outlawed - enemies of state i.e. against Sammlungspolitik
  • What was the effect of Sammlungspolitik on German society?
    Split society into two opposing extremes
  • What encouraged the growth of trade unions?
    Industrialization and urbanization
  • Who founded the General Federation of Trade Unions?
    Carl Legien
  • How many members did free trade unions have by 1913?
    Over 2.5 million members
  • What united the Zentrum party?
    Desire to protect Church interests
  • Who did the German Conservatives represent?
    Prussian Junkers and military officers
  • What did Free Conservatives represent?
    Non-Prussian landowners and industrial elites
  • What did right-wing groups call for?
    Expansionist foreign policy and military spending
  • What is Sammlungspolitik?
    Policy of uniting against perceived enemies