What technique is used in the following line and what is the affect: 'About thee, as wild vines, about a tree,'?
Naturalsimile - compares her thoughts to wildvines to show that her thoughts stop her from seeing him as he really is
What is the metaphor in Sonnet 29?
That the narrator is the 'wild vines' and the lover is the 'tree'
What is the technique used in the following line and what is the effect: 'I will not have my thoughts instead of thee'?
The imperative phrase 'I will not' shows that the voice is demanding
What is unusual about the voice of Sonnet 29?
The voice is a commandingwoman which was unusual for Victorian times
What is significant about the following lines: 'Who art dearer, better! Rather instantly / Renew thy presence; as a strong tree should,'?
It contains an exclamation mark at the volta to emphasise excitement - the volta has been broughtforward to the middle of line 7 which also emphasises her impatience
What is significant about the words 'Rustle' and 'Renew'?
They are both imperative commands at the start of lines to emphasise the voice's impatience
What is significant about the word 'insphere'?
It is a suffocating word that emphasises how intense the voice's thoughts are
What is significant about the line breaks throughout the poem ('-')?
They create suspense
What feelings are present in Sonnet 29?
Passion, deep joy and love
What is significant about the form of Sonnet 29?
It is a Petrarchan sonnet with an octave and a sestet, although in this sonnet the volta comes early
What is significant about the structure of Sonnet 29?
The first and last lines are reversals of each other
What is significant about the imagery used in Sonnet 29?
The imagery is natural and the sonnet is an extended metaphor about the lover being a tree and the voice being wild vines
What are the key themes in Sonnet 29?
Fulfilment, nature, distance and longing
What is significant about the phrase: 'burst, shattered'?
The plosive sound of the letter 't' emphasises the excitement the voice feels
What type of relationship is presented in the poem?
A passionate love between two betrothed people
What is significant about the rhythm in Sonnet 29?
It is very regular to make the poem more commanding