Cards (70)

  • Miscommunication - results from the lack of awareness of the dimensions of communication, especially those influenced by culture and gender.
  • four dimensions of communication: verbal and nonverbal, oral and written, formal and informal, and intentional and unintentional.
  • Verbal and Nonverbal Dimension - Encompass the use of language, the words chosen, as well as the facial expressions, gestures, and bodily movement used. It is used together to clearly impart the message.
  • misunderstanding - happens when words contradict actions. A person may say “yes” but his or her facial expression says “no”.
  • Oral and Written Dimension - means spoken communication and transcription of thoughts and ideas.
  • Formal and Informal Dimension - means the meticulous observation of appropriateness in attire, language, and setting, while the other one is the opposite.
  • Intentional and Unintentional Dimensions - Rely on the fact that messages always have a purpose. There is an intention when people communicate with others. One wants to say something, but what one intends may not be the actual result.
  • Verbal and Nonverbal Dimension - In Philippine society, when talking to someone, especially a person of authority, a slight nod or bow and downcast eyes are signs of courtesy. Looking straight at them is considered rude and frowned upon.
  • Verbal and Nonverbal Dimension - In Western society, avoiding looking at people in the eye while talking to them means the person is not telling the truth.
  • Verbal and Nonverbal Dimension - What do you think might happen if a Filipino applicant is interviewed for a job by an American employer, assuming that they are both unaware of each other’s culture?
  • Oral and written Dimension - Filipinos are know to be fond of being wordy in written communication, oftentimes beating around the bush, even in formal letters and sometimes in e-mail.
  • Oral and written Dimension - Westerners are more direct in speaking and write simpler letters because they find longwinded letters tedious and boring.
  • Formal and informal Dimension - In our country, when a student is speaking to the principal, calling the principal by his first name is not appreciated.
  • Intentional and unintentional Dimension - Not giving a seat to women is considered rude and not being a gentleman.
  • Verbal and Nonverbal Dimension - Men think they should be “macho” in language and action. They use assertive words and expect to be understood right away.
  • Verbal and Nonverbal Dimension - Women are expected to be non-confrontational in their language, especially with men.
  • Oral and written Dimension - Women are expected to be soft spoken than men.
  • Oral and written Dimension - Men who are soft spoken are sometimes referred to as “gay”.
  • Paralanguage - The “how” of saying something.
  • Language of flowers - The use of flowers based on the meaning of each type of flower.
  • Language of colors - The use of colors based on the meaning of each color.
  • Language of time (Chronemics) - The use of time based on position or power.
  • Language of space (PROXEMICS) - The use of space to show importance. The nearer the communicators are, the more intimate they are.
  • Language of touch (haptics) - The use of touch to express what cannot be said.
  • Language of Gestures: Emphasizing, Regulating, Illustrating, Emblems
  • Facial Expression - The configuration of the eyes, eyebrows, lips, cheeks, nose, and forehead to show how a person feels.
  • Posture and personal appearance - The way one carries and dresses oneself.
  • Oculetics - The study of eye contact in communication. A speaker’s sincerity is sometimes gauged by means of eye contact he has with the listener.
  • Kinesics - The study of movements used in communication.
  • Speech Context - way people use to communicate and transmit Message orally or verbally.
  • 2 TYPES OF SPEECH CONTEXT: Intrapersonal and Interpersonal
  • Intrapersonal - A type of communication that centers on one person where the speakers acts both as the sender and the receiver.
  • Intrapersonal - The message is made up of your thoughts and feelings. The channel is your brain which processes what you are thinking and feeling.
  • Intrapersonal - You spent the night thinking and analyzing why a student from the other class talked to you on the way home and you decided it probably meant nothing! (is example of?)
  • Intrapersonal - You felt happy while thinking about how your teacher appreciated you for submitting your project before due date and you reflected on why this was so! (is example of?)
  • Interpersonal - A type of communication between and among people and establishes personal relationship.
  • 4 TYPES OF INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION: Dyad, Small Group, Public, Mass Communication
  • Dyad Communication - Occurs between two people.
  • Small Group - Involves at least three but not more than twelve people engaging in a face to face interaction to achieve desired goal.
  • Public - Requires you to deliver the message in front of the group. Message can be driven by informational or persuasive purposes.