This theory suggests that we forget because onememoryblocksanother, causing one or bothmemories to be distorted/ forgotten.
What is interference?
Forgettingoccurs because memoriesinterfere with and disruptoneanother. In other words, forgettingoccursbecause of interference from othermemories(Baddeley1999.)
Most likely when information is similar.
Forgetting means we cannotaccessmemorieseventhough they are available.
Interference has been proposedmainly as an explanation for forgetting in long-termmemory.
Once information has reached the LTM, it becomesmore or lesspermanent.
Therefore, any forgetting is notbecause the information is lost, it is because we are strugglingto access it.
Interference make it difficult to accessmemories due to them beingblocked/ notavailable.
There are two types of interference which we need to know about: Proactiveinterference and Retroactiveinterference.
Proactive Interference(PI), occurs when what we already knowinterferes with what we are actually/currentlylearning.
This is where oldmemoriesdisruptnew information.
Teacher has learnedmanynames in the past, that they start to call their newclass by the oldclassesnames.
Retroactive Interference(RI) occurs when your forget a previouslylearnttask due to learning of a newtask.
In other words, laterlearninginterferes with earlierlearning.
Therefore this is where newmemoriesdisruptoldmemories.
Teacher has learnt so many newnames that they struggle to remember the names of their pupils from lastyear.