over a hundred dissolvedsolutes: nutrients, gases, hormones, wastes, inorganic ions, proteins
Buffy Coat: consists of leukocytes and platelets
contains white blood cells
<1% of blood
hematocrit: percent of blood that is red blood cells
males: 5 over or under 47%
women: 5 over or under 42%
Physical characteristics of blood: sticky, opaque fluid with a metallic taste
color can be scarlet red( high O) or dark red(low O)
pH: 7.35- 7.45
makes up 8% of body weight
volume: male: 5-6 ;women: 4-5
Hemoglobin binds to four O2 and can unbind
Hemoglobin structure:
made of 2 alpha chains and 2 beta chains(4 in total) and a heme group
heme group gives the red color and it contains an iron atom that binds to O2
O2 loading the lungs = oxyhemoglobin (ruby red)
O2 unloading in tissues = deoxyhemoglobin ( dark red)
O2 loading in tissues= 20% of CO2 in blood binds to hemoglobin making carbaminohemoglobin
Life of a red blood cell:
get old and fragile ➡ hemoglobin degenerates ➡ trapped in smaller circulatory channels usually in the spleen ➡ macrophages in the spleen come in and break them down
The iron in red blood cells binds to ferritin or hemosiderin and is stored to be used again
The heme in red blood cells is broken down in bilirubin(yellow pigment) ➡ liver then dumps it in the intestine to be turned into urobilinogen ➡ stercobilin ➡ leaves the body in feces
The globin is metabolized into amino acids
Blood Doping: remove, store, reinfuse RBCs to increase O2 levels for stamina