how oneperson or a smallgroup influence beliefs of others behaviour
What does minority influence lead to?
internalisation of beliefs
What are the three processes of minority influence?
consistency, commitment and flexibility
What is consistency?
always doing the same thing, the minorities view gains interest and makes others rethink their own views
what is synchronic consistency?
people in the minority are all saying the same thing
what is diachronic consistency?
people in minority saying the same thing for some time
what is commitment?
showing deepinvolvement and gaining attention through extreme activities, the activities must create some Risk to minority to demonstrate commitment
what is the augmentation principle?
when the majority pay even moreattention as they see the commitment
what is flexibility?
the minority balance consistency and flexibility sio they don’t appear rigid.Nemeth argued that being consistent is off putting so they should be flexible and accept reasonablecounterarguments
What is the snowball effect?
over Time, more people become “converted” and switch from the minority to the majority, the more it happens the faster the rate of conversion. Then socialchange occurs
How did Moscovici eat al study minority influence?
investigated the effects of a consistentminority on a majority.
groups of 4 participants and 2 confederates with 36 slides, clearly blue or green and asked to state the colour.
what were the results of Moscovici et als experiment?
Condition 1 - confederates consistently said green = 8.42% gave same wrong answer