Social pysch of AGG: de-individuation

Cards (6)

  • What is De-individuation
    Person becomes difficult to identify, typically when in a Large, resulting in anonymity
  • psych+ behaviour effects of de-individuation
    reduced private self awareness: less focus on own values, less responsibility for actions/ reduced public self awareness: less focus on how others veiw them because being caught less likely/ results in normal social constraints of behaviour being reduced leading to impulsivity+aggression
  • Factors increasing de-individuation
    Darkness, disguise, drugs, uniform > KKK/Riots
  • Strength of De-individuation
    Students anonymously reported what they would do if not held accountable , common responses were anti social behaviour like robbing bank, pro social behaviour less common. Shows anonymity increases aggression
  • Weakness of De-individuation
    Contradicting research: participants spent 1 hour in pitch black room with stranger they would never meet again. Found conversion became kissing and touching. Fewer affectional behaviour occoured when told they would meet after. De-individuation causes affection not aggression
  • Weakness of De-individuation
    Ethical implications = research claims aggression caused by external factors > humans passive and cannot control impulses > legal implications of excusing people based on environment