The Divine Comedy

Cards (42)

  • Inferno begins on Good Friday
  • Dante is 35 years old at the beginning of the poem
  • Virgil represents reason
  • Sullen is the group of sinners submerged in Styx
  • Malebranche = Evil Claws
  • Farinata is the leader of the Ghibellines
  • Beatrice resides Heaven after death
  • Judas is unable to speak because Lucifer is chewing on his head
  • Earthquake in Hell is caused by Christ's death
  • Francesca tells Dante the story of Paolo and Francesca
  • Centaurs are cross between man and horse
  • A leopard, a lion, and a she-wolf block Dante from the sunlit hill in Canto I
  • Dante was exiled from Florence
  • Dante's enemy pope is Boniface VIII
  • Eighth Circle of Hell is divided into ten pits
  • Dante believed that Rome is more important than all others
  • Antaeus brings Dante from Eighth to the Ninth Circle of Hell
  • abandon all hope, you who enter here
  • An angelic messenger opens the gates of Dis
  • Geryon represents fraud
  • Souls must cross the River Acheron before they enter Hell
  • Virgil resides in Limbo
  • Inferno verse is Terza rima
  • Dante expresses sympathy towards adulterers
  • Farinata prophesize Dante's exile
  • Three Aristotelian dispositions counter to Heaven’s will are Incontinence, Malice, Insane Brutality
  • Events correspond with changes in Hell are The Harrowing and The Last Judgement
  • Malebolge = Evil Ditches
  • Malacoda is the leader of Malebranche
  • Caiaphas's punishment is crucifixion
  • Ninth Circle’s frozen river is Cocytus
  • Worst kind of traitor is the traitor to benefactor
  • Fraud is the greatest sin because it is contrary to love
  • Judas is the greatest sinner
  • Dante's journey to Hell ends on Easter Sunday
  • Inferno has 33 cantos
  • Beatrice represents divine revelation
  • Lion represents the sin of violence
  • Leopard represents the sin of malicious
  • She-wolf represents the sin of incontinence