21st Century Additional Pointers for Your Knowledge include Speculative Fiction, which explores "what if" questions.
The movie "Divergent" is an example of Speculative Fiction.
InSpeculativeFiction, the term "Condor" represents Honesty, "Erudite" represents Education, and "Amity" represents Friendliness.
Science Fiction deals mainly with the impact of actual or imagined science upon society.
A memoir is written after a significant period of one's life; an autobiography recounts immediate recordings of one's experience.
Gandhi: An Autobiography is an example of a biography.
Snow White is an example of a book within a book.
Memoir is an account of experiences in someone's life, narrating the thoughts of the author on a specific life event.
Malala and Michael Cunningham are known authors of memoir.
Biography is a person's life written by another person, serving as a day-to-day account of a person's life.
Metafiction is a novel about immigrants, a novel about a writer creating a story, or a work of fiction within a work of fiction.
Fantasy uses magic and supernatural elements in plot, theme and setting.
The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and Peter Pan are examples of Fantasy.
The Magellanic Cloud is an example of Utopian fiction.
The poem “To This Day” tackles Cyber Bullying.
Important delivery elements in spoken word poetry are energy, tone of voice, and prompt and script.
The purpose of the poem “To This Day” is to entertain.
Comic books are limited to humorous stories or fantastical adventures of superheroes.
In a comic book, the main title is the contributors of the comic book such as the writer, the artist, and the inker.
According to Pico Iyer, home has less to do with a piece of soil than with a piece of soul.
Contemporary Arts have become powerful as they ignore the poet’s emotions and convictions.
Home means his sweetheart, his closest friends, and the songs that travel with him wherever he happens to be.
Animals with superpower are characters usually presented in a comic book.
Spoken poetry is a form of poetry intended for performance on stage for a live audience.
In the graphic novel titled “Maus”, the author represents themselves as mice in the story due to having only cheese as their food.
A comic book becomes a graphic novel because it has more pictures.
Dystopian society is characterized by citizens living in a dehumanized state, the natural world being banished and distrusted, and citizens perceiving themselves to be under surveillance.