Reducing global inequalities

Cards (6)

  • Non governmental organisations are independent from government. They are usually charities such as water aid or oxfam
  • NGO led projects often involve the use of intermediate technology. This includes tools, machines and systems that are simple to use and affordable
  • NGO development projects
    • Projects consider the needs of people
    • Locally available and cheap materials used community isnt dependent on expensive import
    • Small scale, so may not benefit everyone
    • Different organisations may not work together, so projects may be insufficient
  • Inter governmental organisations are made up of the governments of several countries and united nations e.g. World Bank
  • Inter governmental organisations projects

    • Can afford large infrastructure in developing and emerging countries
    • Projects can improve countries economy, helping with long-term development
    • Can improve peoples quality of life
    • Often expensive projects and can lead to country being in debt
    • If government is corrupt, may use money for own purpose
    • Projects can be energy intensive, using scarce resources and released greenhouse gases
  • TNC projects
    • Provides employment for local people
    • More companies means greater income from taxes for country
    • Some TNCs run programs to help development
    • Can invest in infrastructure for quality of life
    • TNCs can cause environmental problems because of less environmental laws in developing countries e.g. dumping toxic waste
    • May move around country to take advantage of local tax breaks, leaving people jobless