The valves between the chambers prevent backflow of blood during contraction.
The heart is called a double pump because the blood takes two different pathways
The Tricuspid valve is on the right side of the heart
The bicuspid valve is on the left side of the heart
There are two semi-lunar valves
The left side of the heart uses oxygenated blood
The right side of the heart uses deoxygenated blood
The left side of the heart is bigger because the blood needs a greater force too be pushed all around the body, whereas the right side just pumps to the lungs
The heart has four chambers - atria (top) and ventricles (bottom)
The pulmonary artery carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs from the right atrium
The pulmonary vein carries oxygenated blood back to the heart (left atrium) from the lungs
The aorta carries oxygenated blood away from the heart (left ventricle) to the rest of the body
The vena cava brings deoxygenated blood into the heart (right atrium) from the rest of the body
The coronary artieries supply the heart muscle with oxygenated blood
The two circulatory systems are called Pulmonary circulation and systemic circulation
Pulmonary circulation describes blood that flows to the lungs and back to the heart
Systemic circulation describes blood that flows throughout the body and back to the heart
Red blood cells contain haemoglobin that carries oxygen. They have no nucleus and are a bi-concave shape
An atheroma can lead to a heart attack if the blood starts to clot and blocks the coronary arteries. This prevents oxygenatedblood from reaching the heartmuscle
Veins have a thin smoothmusclewall and a large lumen meaning the pressure in veins is low. This is why veins also have valves to prevent backflow
An atheroma is a build up of fat in the coronaryarteries
Platelets are sticky particles in the blood that help to clot the blood
Plasma is the liquid part of the blood and it is used for the distribution of heat and the transport of carbon dioxide, solublefood, urea, and hormones
The function of the capillaries is to carry nutrients and gases, and to also connect the veins and arteries
The heart is made of cardiacmuscle
You can treat Cardiovascular disease (CVD) by a change in lifestyle, statins or angioplasty
As the heart muscle contracts and relaxes, the valves open and close. This lets blood flow into the atria and ventricles at alternate times
Arteries carry blood away from the heart to organs in the body
Veins carry blood towards the heart
Capillaries have a 1 cell thick wall so they can diffuse the necessary nutrients and gases to the body's cellsrapidly
Arteries have thick smooth muscle walls to withstand the high pressure of the blood. This also means they have a smallerlumen
All veins carry deoxygenated blood, however only the pulmonary vein carries oxygenated blood
All arteries carry oxygenated blood, however only the pulmonaryartery carries deoxygenated blood
Atheroma's form by an unbalanceddiet and a lackofexercise
The three blood vessels are the capillaries, veins and arteries
Whitebloodcells are part of the immune system and they DESTROYinfection through the blood