It take qualitative information and make it quantitative to be able to see the patterns and themes in a more systematic way and analyse content
What are the 3 processes that are involved in content analysis?
Sampling, coding, analysis/summary
What is involved in sampling?
Get initial sample - what you want to analyse
Decide how you want to sample the content
What is involved in coding?
Develop a coding system - categories of information that you intend to record and what units you want to count e.g. behavioural categories
This derived from: top down - existing theory or explanation that provides themes or bottom up - themes emerge as you read the transcripts or watch Tv (thematic)
What is involved in analysis/summary?
Table of findings
Train researchers on the coding system
Pilot study - inter-rater, retrain the researchers
Do the full study
How are the results presented?
Presented quantitatively
%, mean, median, mode, graphs, charts, tables etc.