<S>Sarcopenia is the loss of muscle mass and strength associated with aging.
Angelite Prayer: Almighty God, we glorify you for giving us the Angelite Charism.
We thank you for the gift of your Son, Jesus Christ, who is the Way, Truth and Life.
We bless you for the continuous guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Grant us, we pray, courage and strength that we may give perpetual praise to you in whatever we do.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Oh, Holy Guardian Angels, guide us and protect us! Laus Deo Semper!
Care of the Older Adult: NCM 114
Describe the demographic, socioeconomic, ethnicity, and health characteristics of older adults in the U.S. and Philippines.
Identify the different categories of older adults as they range from 65 to 100 years of age.
Describe ageism and its contribution to the development of negative stereotypes about older adults.
Compare and contrast gerontology and geriatrics.
Describe the development of gerontological nursing and the roles of the gerontological nurse.
Moral reasoning does not decline in age, with no exception.
Spirituality can help resolve issues related to the meaning of life, adversity, and good fortune, which you believe you will acquire.
Spirituality can be an important coping resource and assisting clients to participate in religious and spiritual practice is an important nursing responsibility.
Gilligan challenged Kohlberg, stating that the stages are not applicable to women.
Spirituality can involve contemplating new religious and philosophical views, understanding ideas previously missed or interpreted differently, and deriving a sense of worth by sharing experiences or views.
Some older adults may take their faith and religious practice very seriously, while others may retain misinterpreted ideas.
Moral reasoning is subjective, influenced by values and belief patterns, which can vary depending on the individual's time period, cultural background, life experience, gender, religion, and socioeconomic status.
Older adults display a high level of spirituality, which may be related to the importance of religion in their youth.
At conventional level, follow society’s rules of conduct in response to expectations of others.
Kohlberg based his stages on concepts of justice, objectivity, and preservation of rights.
Describe the different care settings for older adults.
List common biological theories of aging.
Describe the usual physical changes that occur during older adulthood.
List the common psychological theories about aging.
Describe the developmental tasks of the older adult.
Describe psychosocial changes to which the older adult adjusts during the agingprocess.
Explain changes in cognitive abilities that occur during the aging process.
Compare and contrast Kohlberg’s and Gilligan’s theories of moral reasoning in older adults.
Describe how spirituality and aging interact.
Describe selected health problems associated with older adults.
List examples of health promotion topics for older adulthood.
Survivor coping ability improves when person is aware that death and bereavement can lead to growth.
More women face bereavement and solitude because women live longer than men.
There is an increased incidence of grandparents as primary providers, often required to protect grandchild from parent.
Loss of a mate causes emptiness and loneliness.
Most older adults do not experience cognitive impairments, but they are more prevalent in persons over age 85.
The death of a spouse can lead to oneiness and emptiness.