Cards (15)

  • 1944 Butler Act
    education reform act, 11+ introduced
    Pass 11+ go to grammar school
    Failed 11+ go to secondary modern or technical school
    Labour government
  • 1965 Comprehensive system
    abolition of 11+ and 3 school system
    Labour government
  • 1970s New vocationalism
    Youth training scheme introduced
    Vocational qualifications
    Conservative Government
  • 1988 Education reform act
    National curriculum SATs GCSEs & PSHE
    Beginning of league tables and marketisation
  • 1997 Specialist colleges and Beacon schools
    Aim higher program
    Beacon schools - share expertise in failing schools
    Labour Government
  • Curriculum 2000
    introduction of AS levels
    university fees capped at £1500 per year
    Labour Government
  • 2003 Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA)
    cash incentive
    for working class students
    getting them to stay in higher education
    Labour Government
  • 1998 to 2010
    Sure Start
    Labour Government
  • 2010 Academies act and free schools
    sure start scrapped
    Conservative Government
  • 2011 Pupil Premium
    Conservative Government
  • 2012 Ofsted reform
    Satisfactory replaced with requires improvement
    Conservative Government
  • 2010
    University fees rose to £9000 per year
    Conservative Government
  • 2015 Progress 8 and Attainment 8
    all students in education till age of 18
    Linear exams introduced
    AS and Modular exams scrapped
    A* to U scrapped 9 to 1 introduced
    Conservative Government
  • 2015 Change in grade system
    bring in 9-1 and push pass mark up
    aim to reduce NEETs
    Conservative Government
  • 2020
    Schools need to teach RSE
    Conservative Government