A single celled organism has short diffusion distance and a high SA:V ratio so has no need for specialised exchange systems
As an organism gets bigger, SA: v ratio decreases
more exchange has to take place to meet needs and metabolic activity
Features of a good exchange surface
thin barrier to reduce diffusion distance
good blood supply - to maintain concentration gradients
large SA
air passes through then nasal/oral cavity
hairs in the cavity trap dust particles and pathogens
cavity warms and moistens the air before it enters the lungs
air then travels down trachea -> bronchi -> bronchioles -> alveoli
one adaptation of the trachea:
walls contain cartilage
prevents walls collapsing due to low pressure in inspiration
flexible to allow movement
forms a c shape (incomplete rings)
absence of cartilage in region near esophagus allows food to pass easily
another adaptation of the trachea:
walls lined with ciliated epithelia and goblet cells
cilia and goblet cells secrete and waft mucus containing pathogens to throat
to be swallowed and digested by stomach enzymes
Each bronchus contains cartilage, smooth muscle, ciliated epithelium and goblet cells
The walls of larger bronchioles are supported by cartilage and contain smooth muscle
when smooth muscle relaxes, the bronchioles widen allowing more air to pass into the deeper parts of the lungs
sites of gas exchange
internal walls covered with thin layer of moisture
elastic fibres between them stretch and recoil during breathing
covered with extensive blood capillaries
How the alveoli are adapted for efficient gas exchange:
large SA
walls of capillary and alveolus are one cell thick
walls consist of squamous cells - thin
narrow diameter of the capillary- RBCs close to the capillary wall decreasing diffusion distance
moist walls- helps to dissolve the gases
extensive capillary network (rich blood supply)- steep conc. for o2 and co2
How is a steep o2 and co2 conc. gradient maintained in the lungs?
maintained by ventilation which ensures
conc. o2 in air of alveolus > conc. o2 in blood
conc. co2 in air of alveolus < conc. co2 in blood
Bronchioles contain ciliated epithelium, smooth muscle and elastic tissue
Inhalation - the external intercostal muscles contract
pulls ribs upwards and outwards
diaphragm contracts causing it to flatten
increases volume of thorax and lungs
reducing air pressure in lungs
air pressure in the lungs < atmospheric pressure
so air is drawn into the alveoli and elastic fibres stretch
Exhalation - the internal intercostal muscles relax
pulls ribs downwards and inwards
diaphragm relaxes to domed shape
reducing the volume of the thorax and the lungs
air pressure in lungs > atmospheric pressure,
air is pushed out of the alveoli so elastic fibres recoil
Inhalation is an active process as it involves muscle contraction
Exhalation is a passive process unless exhaled strongly e.g: intense exercise, illness
lungs are surrounded by plural membranes
with plural fluid between them
act as a lubricant as the lung volume changes
dm x 1000 = cm
Process of spirometry:
o2 is inhaled by the patient and the spirometer lid drops down
Exhaling back into the spirometer causes the lid to rise
Movements of the lid are recorded by a data logger and show the volume of air ventilated by the patients lungs
Co2 rich air is exhaled by the patient and absorbed by the soda-lime
Precautions of spirometry:
clean /sterilised mouth piece
soda-lime must be fresh
make sure water chamber isn't overfilled
check for gas leaks
patient is healthy
vital capacity depends on:
size of a person
age and gender
level of regular exercise
Tidalvolume - volume of air we breathe in/out each breath at rest (0.5 dm^3)
Vitalcapacity - maximum volume of air that can be inhaled/exhaled in a single breath (2.5-5.0dm^3)
Residual volume - volume of air always present in the lungs
Expiratory/inspiratory reservevolume - additional volume of air that can be exhaled/inhaled on top of tidal volume
when tidal volume is exceeded during exercise
How is o2 uptake measured using a spirometer?
how is this measured by using a spirometer:co2 absorbed by soda-lime in exhalationvolume of air drops in spirometer over timesame molecules of o2 are used as co2 made in respiration this drop in volume is assumed to be amount of o2 taken in
(amount of co2 measured in soda-lime = amount of o2 taken in)
How is o2 uptake measured using a spirometer?
co2 absorbed by soda-lime in exhalation
volume of air drops in spirometer over time
same amount of o2 molecules is inhaled as co2 is made in respiration
this drop in volume is assumed to be amount of o2 taken in
(amount of co2 measured in soda-lime = amount of o2 taken in)
How to measure o2 uptake from a spirometer trace?
take two points on the graph same trough or peak and measure difference in volume between them
measure length of time between them
volume(y) / time(x)
express as dm^3 s-1
Spirometer trace
A) tidal volume
B) vital capacity
C) residual volume
D) inspiratory reserve volume
E) expiratory reserve volume
challenges of gas exchange in bony fish
low o2 conc. in water
low SA:V
Fish gills are covered by an operculum
in gill filaments there are many lamellae where gas exchange takes place
o2 diffuses from the water into the bloodstream and co2 diffuses from the bloodstream to the water
How efficient gas exchange is achieved in fish:
Lamellae - increases SA:V ratio
Countercurrentflow - maintains steep concentration gradient between lamellae for gas exchange
Capillaries - one cell thick to reduce diffusion distance
Buccalcavity - changes volume to pump water over the gills
Counter current flow - flow of water is in opposite direction to flow of blood
allows maximum amount of o2 to be absorbed from the water
Ventilation in bony fish: expiration
> fish shuts mouth and opens its operculum
> floor of the buccalcavity lifts upwards
decreasing volume and increases pressure
water flows over gills into operculumcavity
> sides of opercularcavity squeezes inwards
pressure in opercular cavity > pressure outside
operculum is forced open and water exits
A) buccal cavity
B) Opercular cavity
C) Operculum
Ventilation in bony fish: inhalation
> fish opens mouth
> water flows in buccalcavity
> floor of buccalcavity drops down
pressure inside buccal cavity < pressure outside
> fish shuts operculum and increases the volume of the opercularcavity, decreasing the pressure (contains the gills)
A) buccal cavity
B) opercular cavity
C) operculum
Challenges of insects - desercation
Desercation - moisture loss
Insects are covered with a protective exoskeleton made of chitin
o2 and co2 cannot diffuse through
Spiracles on insects exoskeleton enable diffusion of gases into tracheae