Statistics - science of collecting, describing, and interpreting data
Two Areas of Statistics
Descriptive Statistics - provides information only about the collected data and in no way draws inferences
Two Types of Descriptive Statistics
Measures of Central Tendency
Measures of Spread
Measures of Central Tendency - calculated and expressed as the mean, median, and mode
Measures of Spread - how the data are distributed and how they relate to each other (frequency distribution, quartiles, mean absolute deviation, variance, standard deviation)
Inferential Statistics - methods concerned with the analysis of a subset of data; decisions about a statistical population are made based only one a sample having been observed or a judgment having been obtained
Two Types of Problems of Inferential Statistics
Estimation of Population Parameters
Tests of Hypothesis
Population - collection, or set, of individuals or objects of events whose properties are to be analyzed
Two Kinds of Population
Sample - subset of the population
Variable - characteristic about each individual element of a population or sample
Data (Singular) - value of the variable associated with one element of a population or sample; value may be a number, word, or symbol
Data (Plural) - set of values collected for the variable from each other elements belonging to the sample
Experiment - planned activity whose results yield a set of data
Parameter - numerical value summarizing all the data of an entire population
Statistic - numerical value summarizing the sample data
Two Kinds of Variables
Qualitative, or Attribute, or Categorical, Variable
Quantitative, or Numerical, Variable
Qualitative, or Attribute, or Categorical, Variable - variable that categorizes or describes an element of a population
Quantitative, or Numerical, Variable - variable that quantifies an element of a population
Nominal Variable - qualitative variable that categorizes (or describes, or names) an element of a population
Ordinal Variable - qualitative variable that incorporates an ordered position, or ranking
Discrete Variable - quantitative variable that can assume a countable number of values
Continuous Variable - quantitative variable that can assume an uncountable number of values
Classical Probability - possible outcome of any event in a classical manner
Empirical Probability - uses the number of occurrences of a given outcome within the sample set
Subjective Probability - based on educated guess or estimate (statistical treatment)
Probability Distribution - refers to the arrangement of values of a random variable and the probabilities assigned to them