only 55% of rio have access to a local clinic in rio
after the age of 14 school is not compulsory so 50% drop out and go into crime or are forced to work for their families
rio health issue- home visits and free health kits
schools of tomorrow program- practical based courses for all ages and free child care
only 2 schools for 100,000 people in rochina and there is 8 schools for 50,000 people in lebian
12% of rio didn't have access to water and %37 was lost through leaky pipes and illegal access
rio- 7 plant treatments built and 95% people had access to water by 2014
the richer parts of rio take up all the energy leaving poorer parts with none. they tap into the main supply illegally causing regular blackouts
simplicio hydro electric complex rio- it cost 2 bill to make and took 6 years but increased electricity by 30%
economic development- increase of employment and higher payed wages
recession- a period of economic decline, usually caused by a fall in demand or a fall in the value of the currency
60% of rio is informal employment ( cash no security not taxed eg cold drink sellers by the beach)
2015 recession in rio lead to lack of employment
most poor people go into crime as it pays better than most formal and informal employment
powerful gangs dominate and control most favellas
in 2013 the pacifying police took back possession from gangs in more then 30 favellas.
most favellas are built on steep slopes due to government not wanting to build there as it is difficult making it difficult for waste lorries to access
it is safer to travel by car due to high crime rates in rio therefore the traffic becomes slow causing traffic congestion.
traffic congestion in rio- expansion of the metro system making new toll roads and making coast roads a one way system during rush hours.
all 55 rivers flowing into the bay in rio are polluted
open sewers makes water pollution very bad in rio
200 tonnes of raw sewage is dumped into the bay every day
ships empty their tanks into the bay as there is no proper way to dispose of the fuel. they are now fined for doing so illegally
12 new sewage works since 2004 in rio
5km of sewage pipes installed around badly polluted areas
300km of new pipes built - water social issue rio
social deprivation- limited access to society's resources, opportunities, and services
issues of the growth of favellas in rio- construction, diseases, crime
the favella Bairro project- murals, cable cars, streets tidied up, new sewage carrels, football pitches..
bristol- city and rovers and rugby union team
bristol cabot circus has over 250 apartments and cost 500 million to build