The amount of DNA changes, but not the ploidy level in mitosis
A diploid somatic cell after the S-phase is still considered a diploid cell, even though there are 4 complete sets of chromosomes. This is a short and transient phase. Note that the amount of DNA has doubled.
1 chromosome from dad's germ cell is haploid, 1 chromosome from mom's germ cell is haploid. When these combine they form a diploid cell with two unique chromosomes.
A diploid cell has two complete sets of chromosomes. One copy from the mother and one copy from the father. An example would be a somatic cell such as a leaf cell, skin cell or a stem cell within the colon.
A cell with one complete set of chromosomes is haploid. An example of a haploid cell would be a sperm or egg cell.
The number of complete sets of chromosomes in a cell is known as its ploidy.
In cytokinesis in animal cells, the contractile ring divides the two cells.
In telophase, the nuclear envelop re-forms and chromosomes decondense.
In anaphase, the sister chromatids (which become individual chromosomes when the centromere splits) separate and travel to opposite poles.
In metaphase, chromosomes align in the center of the cell.
Kinetochores are protein complexes.
In pro-metaphase, the microtubules of the mitotic spindle attach to chromosomes. The nuclear envelop starts to break down.
In prophase, the chromosomes condense. Centrosomes radiate microtubules and migrate to opposite poles.
Sister chromatids are two identical chromosomes that are joined at the centromere.
Centromeres are the central part, that is essential for attaching the spindle fibres in chromosomes.
A neuron with its axon and dendrites would be quiescent with respect to the cell cycle. They will not re-enter the cell cycle.
Cells that are not actively cycling may exit the cell cycle. From G1 they enter a state called G0. These cells are said to be quiescent.
In the M phase (mitosis) chromosomal separation and cytokinesis occurs
In the G2 phase (Gap 2) it is the preparation for mitosis.
During the S phase (synthesis) DNA replication occurs (chromosome duplication)
G1 phase (Gap 1) - The first phase of the cell cycle. The cell grows and prepares to divide. (extra mitochondrial DNA and ribosomes are made).
Interphase is the time between successive mitoses (G1 + S + G2)
The main stages on the cell cycle are G1 phase, S phase, G2 phase, M phase
If a stem cell divides once a day for 75 years, it will have divided over 27,000 times, without making a mistake.
In prokaryotes mitotic cell division the genome is small and circular and the DNA is found in the cytoplasm.
In eukaryotes mitotic cell division the genome is large and linear and the DNA is found in the nucleus.
Mitotic cells in an adult that would be considered stem cell are: neural, follicle hair, mammary, muscle, intestinal, epithelial, and hematopoietic stem cells.
Cell division occurs by either: mitosis or meiosis