A country’s foreign policy is its objectives and activities in relation to its interactions with other countries
Examples of foreign policies are ManifestDestiny, Munroe Doctrine, RooseveltCorollary and Dollar Diplomacy
Manifest Destiny was a policy that the United States was destined by God to conquer the Americas and Spread her ideas of democracy and federal government
In 1845 John O Sullivan coined the term 'Manifest Destiny' to describe the US ideology.
As part of their 'Manifest Destiny' the US wanted to purchase Cuba and took control of Puerto Rico
The US took control of the Navassa Islands in 1857
The US took control of the MorantKeys and the PedroKeys in 1869
The Munroe Doctrine was headed by James Munroe in December of 1823
The Munroe Doctrine warned that any European power attempting to colonize a country in the Americas would be regarded as an aggressor
The Munroe Doctrine was a statement that said Britain should recognize the independence of Latin America
The Roosevelt Corollary was also known as the Big Strike Policy
The Roosevelt Corollary stated that the US had the right to intervene in the affairs of other countries in the West Indies.
What is an ideology?
a system of ideas
The US colonies declared independence in 1776
After 1783 th US expanded westward, the US government began to expand into Native American land
The British West Indies sent molasses, ginger, pimento, sugar, and rum to the US colonies
In 1783 Britain recognized the Independence of the US colonies
From 1776 to 1783 trade was severed between the US colonies and British West Indies
In 1783 the British allowed the trade of essential goods to continue with the US colonies
From 1804 to 1805 the US colonies were only permitted to trade lumber and provisions with the British West Indies