What is one universal reason for marriage, divorce, singlehood and cohabitation?
Changes in attitudes/norms and values
changing attitudes: tamara heaven argued that the quality of a couples relationship is more important than legal status.
changing attitudes: Durkheim argued the cult of individual needs.
Changing attitudes: Wilson argued that the influence formal religion has declined. The belief of the church has therefore become irrelevant.
Changing attitudes: Fletcher argues that people expect more of a marriage than they did in the past.
Changing attitudes: Sue sharpe found that girls had changed their expectations from marriage to a career.
Changes in attitudes: Cornell argued due to the genderquake social expectations between men and women have changed
Changes in norms and values: Social attitudes towards sex has changed; their is a decline in stigma, where 62% of people viewed sex outside of marriage as okay.( British social attitudes)
Changes in attitudes: Coast suggested that evidence suggests that cohabitation is normal for couples.( British panel survey)
Changes in attitudes: teenagers expect a period of cohabitation, even when marriage and long term partnerships is not the goal(social trends 2004)
Government policy and marriage: The new right argue that the government does not support marriage and the welfare state encourages people to not marry.
Government policy and marriage: Sheila Lawler argued that maternity leave should be scrapped as it encourages woman to work part time, allowing them to earn work credit therefore young women depend on the state.
Government policy and marriage: Muarry links the welfare payment to unmarried women, illegitimate births and refusal of young people to get jobs because there is no longer need to be responsible for children.
Legal changes and divorce: divorce almost used to be impossible for legal, cost and social reasons but through the 1940's-1970's this begun to change.
Legal changes and divorce: legal aid (1949) where state funded legal aid for divorce, allowing people to afford divorce
Legal changes and divorce: the divorce reform act (1971) meant that it was easier for people to obtain divorce.
Economic reasons + cohabitation: a survey by law firm (sedons) found that 16% of people don't want to marry until they buy a house ... 40% thought they couldn't afford a wedding. And 25% thought marriage was necessary.
Economic reasons + cohabitation: people where scared of spending money and then getting divorced (morgan nr)