Parasocial Relationships

Cards (16)

  • What is a Parasocial Relationship?
    A one sided unreciprocated relationship, usually with a celebrity or fictional character
  • What are the 3 levels of a Parasocial Relationship?
    1. Entertainment-social phase
    2. Intense-social phase
    3. Borderline-pathological phase
  • What are the features of the Entertainment-social phase?
    • Celebrities are viewed as a source of entertainment and fuel for social interaction
    • Friends may enjoy discussing characters from their favourite TV show or the actors in OK Magazine
    • These types of PRs provide a source of gossip
  • What are the features of the Intense-social phase?
    • Includes unusual behaviours such as spending large sums of money on celebrity-related objects
    • Reflects a greater level of personal connection to the celebrity
    • The person may consider the celebrity their 'soul mate' but has no concrete plans to meet them
  • What are the features of the Borderline-pathological phase?
    • The person has frequent obsessive thoughts about the celebrity, interfering with day to day life
    • May end up stalking the celebrity, believing their relationship is real
    • It is the strongest level of celebrity worship, featuring uncontrollable fantasies
  • What is the Absorption-addiction model?
    • Parasocial relationships make up for personal deficiencies (e.g. a poor social life)
    • They provide an escape from mundane life
  • What is Absorption in the absorption-addiction model?
    • The person begins to identify with the celebrity, fulfilling a need
  • What is addiction in the absorption-addiction model?
    • The person needs to increase their contact to get satisfaction leading to more extreme behaviour and thinking
  • Who contributed to the Attachment Theory as an explanation of Parasocial Relationships?
    • Ainsworth
    • Bowlby
  • What did Ainsworth say about Attachment Theory?
    • Insecure Resistant = Most likely to form a PR because they want a relationship with no threat of rejection
    • Insecure Avoidant = Least likely to form a PR as they avoid relationships
  • What did Bowlby say about Attachment Theory?
    • Early attachment difficulties causes as preference for a PR as they do not require social skills
  • Strength of Parasocial Relationships:
    • Research has found that a PR can have positive effects
    • E.g. Children learn more from TV characters that they have meaningful relationships with
  • Limitation of the Absorption-Addiction model:
    • Lacks explanatory power
    • It describes the stages but does not explain why the different forms develop
    • It doesn't tell us how to prevent dangerous PRs
  • Strength of Attachment Theory:
    • Tells us how we can prevent dangerous PRs from forming
    • By tackling early attachment issues (e.g. Maternal Deprivation and Insecure attachment types) we can prevent the development of PRs
  • Limitation of Attachment Theory - Lacks Research Support:
    • McCucheon
    • Found that participants with insecure attachments were no more likely to form PRs
    • Decreases validity of explanation
  • Limitation of Explanations of Parasocial Relationships:
    • Ignores Biological factors of the formation of PRs
    • Scmid
    • Found similar levels of attachment to Harry Potter in Germany (Individualist) and Mexico (collectivist)
    • Suggests PRs are a cultural universal