Later Middle Ages

Cards (11)

    1. What was the Hundred Years War and how did it influence
    the British Isles?
    · a series of conflicts waged between 1337 to 1453
    England in 1300: England and France connected -> interconnections very important
    · power struggle: English King (starting with William I., first sovereign ruler of England
    but also vassal of the French King)-> owned parts of France
    · conflict in French succession: Edward the 3 (English King)claimed the throne
    after French King died (1328)-> split in French nobility
    · England wanted to fight for territory in France
    C. Alliance between France and Scotland)
  • Development and outcome of the 100 years war
    time: 1337-1453, not one continuous war, some interruptions
    · Battle of Crécy (1346) -> Edward Wins
    · Battle of Agincourt (1415)French were certain to win BUT the
    English made clever decisions and emerged victorious
    1420 Henry the 5th became French King (died shortly after
    ↳ after his death, France was more and more victorious
    1453 English territories in France almost entirely lost
    ↳ end of the war
    · military revolutions: cannons and artillery, long bows
    ↳ pessimistic thoughts of the people in the later Middle Ages
  • Jeanne d'Arc /Joan of Arc (1412-31)
    · peasant girl who claimed to that God had spoken to her to fight against the English
    raised a national movement, united many parts of France against England
    ↳ people believed in and followed her -> France became superior
  • Scotland
    · Alliance between Scotland and France, border between England and Scotland
    highly contested
    · Battle of Bannockburn (1314): Scotland Wins (important battle of Scotland until today)
  • Society in the later Middle Ages
    1350: one to two thirds of English population died due to the plague (the Black Death)
    ↳ people couldn't explain it
    · mistrust in the king and the church (seen as punishment from God
    · Wyclif and the Lollards: first 'reformers' criticising the corruptness of the church
    ↳ first complete translation of the Bible into English
    · not enough workers -> prices for everything (especially labor)increase
    · starting point of the embodiment of death (Grim Reaper)
    · medieval thoughts: very pessimistic (wars, plague, etc. )
  • The Peasants Revolt (1381)
    · reason: tax imposed in 1381 (everybody had to pay the same -> injustice)
    · greatest rebellion started by commoners (brief outburst)
    · Laborers and peasants wanted higher wages (especially because of Labour shortage
    · unsuccessful: Richard 3rd lied to them, revolts chrushed (not very well organised
  • 2. How did the status of the English language change
    during the Later Middle Ages?
    · spread of literacy and increased use of English language
    (because France was seen as an enemy and so was their language
    · English became new official language for political affairs and trade
    · non-homogenous with many dialects -> East Anglia became the dominant one
    1362: English became official national language
  • 3. What were the 'Wars of Roses'and what was their result?
    1453-1485 (final chapter of medieval England
    · intra-familiar war, both families originated from House Plantagenet
    · Authority of the King was questioned after 100 years of war
    · Rival royal houses of Lancaster Cred rose)and York (white rose)competed for
    becoming next king -> fought for dominance
  • 3. What were the 'Wars of Roses'and what was their result?
    Developement and outcome
    ↳ series of battles
    · 1485 Henry Tudor (lancaster)beats Richard the 3rd (Yoru)-> Tudor Dynasty
    -> Henry the 7th married a woman from the horse of York -> both houses became connected
    ↳ Tudor rose
    · many people died, also many from nobility
  • Tudor's achievements
    reformed government: chose London as permanent seat of government
    · established sense of English nationhood (to keep the kingdom together (
    · spreading the Tudors as English dynasty although they were Welsh
    'Tudor Myth'
  • Later Middle Ages: 1300-1485