Skin functions include barrier against environment, immunologic, regulation, protection from radiation, nerve sensation, injury repair, and appearance/quality of life.
The skin consists of three layers: the Epidermis, which is made of keratinocytes, the Dermis, which contains fibroblasts, collagen & elastin fibers, and the Subcutis/hypodermis, which is made of fat.
The Pilosebaceous Unit is found everywhere except palms, soles, top of feet, and lower lip.
Hair follicle, hair shaft, sebaceous gland, erector pili muscle are parts of the Pilosebaceous Unit.
Apocrine Glands (sweat glands) are found in the axillae and anogenital areas that open directly into the hair follicle.
Macule is a primary lesion that is flat, circumscribed, non palpable, often hypo- or hyperpigmented, or other colors, and may be round, oval, or irregular in shape.
Patch is a primary lesion that is flat, circumscribed, non palpable, often hypo- or hyper pigmented, or other colors, and may be larger than a macule.
Papule is a primary lesion that is elevated, circumscribed, usually <1cm in diameter, and may have secondary changes.
Plaque is a primary lesion that is elevated, circumscribed, usually >1cm in diameter, and may have secondary changes.
Nodule is a primary lesion that is elevated, circumscribed, usually >1.5 cm in diameter, and may involve the dermis and extend to the subcutis.
Vesicle is a primary lesion that is elevated, circumscribed, usually <1cm in diameter, and is fluid-containing, usually clear.
Bulla is a primary lesion that is elevated, circumscribed, usually <1cm in diameter, and is fluid-containing, usually clear, and may become an erosion or ulceration.
Pustule is a primary lesion that is elevated, circumscribed, usually <1cm in diameter, and contains purulent material (neutrophils > eosinophils), and may be infectious or sterile.