Social studies

Cards (17)

  • William of Normandy in the battle of hastings in 1066. He laid the foundation the unification of England into one cohesive entityunder one strong monarch.
  • The installation of Hugh Capet as king of France in 987 gave rise to the Capetian Dynasty.
  • Reconquista which was the military campaign to boot​ Out the Muslims from Spain and reestablish Christianity.
  • Henry Fowler, he founded the Saxon Dynasty which ruled until 1024.
  • Rudolf habsburg, an Austrian. He laid the foundation of Hubsburg power by consolidating and expanding the ancestral lands of the Hubsburgs.
  • Kiev became the center of the first Russia state.
  • Rurik, a Varangian. he was the first great prince.
  • In the 14th century, agricultural production was greatly reduced that created serious food shortages that led to famine
  • The bubonic plague or Black Death came to Europe in 1347 via ships coming from the east that carried with them infected rats.
  • The death of Asoka in 238 BCE marked the beginning of the demise of the Maurya Dynasty.
  • Rajputs settled in northwestern India from central Asia and established small kingdoms ruled by Rajput warrior-kings.
  • The term Japan may be traced from two Chinese words, jih pen which means "origin of the sun"
  • Shinto means the "way of the gods."
  • Bushido code("the way of the warrior") or the code of the samurai.
  • Sub-Saharan Africa on the other handis separated from the North by the Sahara dessert which is the largest dessert in the world.
  • The Olmec is believed to be the first civilization that emerged in the American specifically in the Atlantic coast of southern Mexico.
  • The Chavin culture was built in the oldest city in South America.