William of Normandy in the battle of hastings in 1066. He laid the foundation the unification of England into one cohesive entityunder one strong monarch.
The installation of Hugh Capet as king of France in 987 gave rise to the Capetian Dynasty.
Reconquista which was the military campaign to boot Out the Muslims from Spain and reestablish Christianity.
HenryFowler, he founded the Saxon Dynasty which ruled until 1024.
Rudolf habsburg, an Austrian. He laid the foundation of Hubsburg power by consolidating and expanding the ancestral lands of the Hubsburgs.
Kiev became the center of the first Russia state.
Rurik, a Varangian. he was the first great prince.
In the 14th century, agricultural production was greatly reduced that created serious food shortages that led to famine
The bubonic plague or Black Death came to Europe in 1347 via ships coming from the east that carried with them infected rats.
The death of Asoka in 238 BCE marked the beginning of the demise of the Maurya Dynasty.
Rajputs settled in northwestern India from central Asia and established small kingdoms ruled by Rajput warrior-kings.
The term Japan may be traced from two Chinese words, jihpen which means "originofthesun"
Shinto means the "wayofthegods."
Bushidocode("the way of the warrior") or the codeofthesamurai.
Sub-Saharan Africa on the other handis separated from the North by the Saharadessert which is the largest dessert in the world.
The Olmec is believed to be the first civilization that emerged in the American specifically in the Atlantic coast of southern Mexico.
The Chavin culture was built in the oldest city in South America.