Wilhelm Wundt is considered the father of modern psychology.
Sigmund Freud is the father of Psychoanalysis and Psychosexual theory.
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi is known as the father of Education and Pedagogy.
•SEQUENCING (Sequence) ✓ the order in which the content, topics, learning experiences, & organizing threads are presented in the educational plan (units, sub-units, chapters, sub-chapters) ✓ logical, chronological, random, etc.
Components of curriculum design include objectives, learning experience, content/subject matter, and evaluation approaches.
Learning experience in curriculum design sets the criteria against which learning outcomes will be evaluated and includes instructional strategies and methods.
Content/subject matter in curriculum design is frequently and commonly used in daily life, suited to the maturity levels and abilities of students, and valuable in meeting the needs and the competences of a future career.
Sequencing in curriculum design is the order in which the content, topics, learning experiences, & organizing threads are presented in the educational plan (units, sub-units, chapters, sub-chapters).
Scope in curriculum design includes all the content, topics, learning experiences, & organizing threads comprising the educational plan (units, sub-units, chapters, sub-chapters).
Objectives in curriculum design are the bases for the selection of content and learning experience.
Sequencing in curriculum design can be logical, chronological, random, etc.
Evaluation approaches in curriculum design are methods and instruments to be used to assess the results of curriculum (quality, effectiveness or value of the program, process and product).
Reconstructionist design gives attention to political practices of business & government groups and their impact on the economic realities of the workforce.
Content/subject matter in curriculum design is a compendium of facts, concepts, generalizations, principles & theories.
Reconstructionist design engages the learner in a critical analysis of the local, national & international community.
Design elements in curriculum include scope (coverage) and sequencing (sequence).
Ivan Pavlov is associated with Classical Conditioning.
Burrhus F. Skinner is known for Meaningful learning.
David Ausubel is associated with Discovery learning and spiral curriculum.
Jerome Bruner is known for Social cognitive learning theory.
Albert Bandura is associated with the Law of readiness and exercises.
Problem Centered Design draws on social problems, needs, interest & abilities of the learners.
Checklist is a list of attributes to be followed in carrying out a task.
Rating scale is used to rate the quality of a task.
Analytic Rubric includes the detailed aspects of a task in its assessment.
Show-case Portfolio is a collection of the best projects of students.
Holistic Rubric inlcudes the overall quality of a task in its assessment.
Working Portfolio is a collection of tasks performed by students on a daily basis.
Subject Centered Curriculum includes Separate Subject Design and Correlation Design.
Learner Centered Design takes each individual's needs, interests, and goals into consideration.
Rubric is a measuring instrument used in rating the performance of a task.
Curriculum Design is the subject centered design where educators provide the subject matter and it is easy to deliver for complementary books & materials are commercially available.
Correlation Design is when subjects are related to one another but each subject maintains its identity, for example, Science & its related concepts in Math.
Curriculum Development is the process of selecting, organizing, executing & evaluating the learning experience for the possibilities of improving the teaching learning situation.
Every Child A Reader program aims that by the end of SY, every child passing preschool must be reader by grade 1.
Mother Tongue is a medium of instruction from pre-school to grade 3.
K-12 Curriculum (Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum) includes Universal Kindergarten, Contextualization & Enhancement, Spiral Progression, Mother Tongue - Based Multilingual Education, Senior High School, and College and Livelihood Readiness, 21st Century Skills.
Separate Subject Design is a subject related to another subject but not integrated to put emphasis on that certain area, for example, Values Education in HS.
Documentary Portfolio is a combination of working and show-case portfolios.