Earth Sci

Subdecks (1)

Cards (84)

  • Was a German meteorologist and geophysicist, famous for proposing the Continental Drift Theory in 1910.
    Alfred Wegener
  • Who discovered that africa and south america are like a giant jigsaw puzzle?
    Antonio Pellegrini
  • Super continent
  • Body of water surrounds pangaea
  • How pangaea broke into pieces
    Plate tectonic theory
  • Slabs or rocks that floats above the asthenosphere
  • Composed of granite or igneous rocks
    Continental Crust
  • Composed of basaltic rocks or sedimentary rocks
    Oceanic crust
  • Composed of crust and upper mantle
  • Liquid part of the mantle
  • Refers to fossils formed millions of years ago
    Fossil Magnetism
  • Breaks in a rock mass where plate movement occured
  • A fracture separating one plate to another
    Plate boundaries
  • Are moving due to the convection current in the earth interior
    Lithospheric plate
  • Occur when two plates move toward each other
  • The process where denser, colder, and older plate/crust goes beneath the earth's interior
  • Occur along spreading centers where plates are moving apart and new crust is created by magma pushing it from the mantle
  • Zone between two plates that slide past one another
    Transform fault
  • Study of geologically young processes is called?
  • Created where two or more of earth's tectonic are pushed together
    Folded Mountains
  • Folded mountains are created through a process called?
  • Formed by the movement of large crustal blocks when forced in the earth's crust pull it apart
    Fault block mountain
  • Starts out as a simple crack called volcanic vent
    Volcanic mountain
  • The remnants of previously existing mountains that have been subjected to weathering and erosion

    Residual mountain
  • Eruption of molten rock onto the surface of the planet
  • Frequently Erupts
    Active volcano
  • Barely erupts
    Dormant volcano
  • Will not erupt anymore
    Extinct volcano
  • Occurs at the site of mid oceanic ridges, where two plates diverge from one another
    Spreading center volcanism
  • Curving chains of steep-sided volcanoes
    Subduction zone volcanism
  • An area on earth over a mantle plume or an area under the rocky outer layer of earth
    Hot spot
  • Known as effusive eruptions
    Quiet eruption
  • Are violent eruptions of viscous lava
    Explosive eruption
  • Produces the steam of hot water heated by magma
    Phreatic eruption
  • Consist of hot water steam and magnetic gases that explode violently into the atmosphere
    Phreatomagmatic Eruption
  • Is a quiet eruption of lava that runs down the flanks of a volcano
    Lava flow
  • Consist of fluid lava sprayed from the fissures on the flanks of a volcano
    Lava fountain
  • Created when erupted lava has lost huge amount of gas which thickens the consistency of lava
    Lava dome
  • Characterized by gentle spurts of liquid basaltic lava that shoot out from the vent just like a lava fountain
    Hawaiian eruption
  • Least violent explosive eruption
    Strombolian eruption