Renewableenergyresources are natural resources that can be replaced at the same rate they are consumed and can be replaced in a short period.
renewableenergy is generated from renewable resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, and geothermal heat.
Geothermalenergy is a source of energy that comes from the heat deep below earth's surface and can be used for heating and cooling purposes and harnessed to generate clean electricity.
Geothermalenergy produces only a little amount of CO2 and is renewable because the heat is continuously produced inside the earth.
Solarenergy is the sun's radiant light and heat that is harnessed using a range of technologies such as solar power to generate electricity.
Windenergy is the movement of air over earth's surface, resulting from air pressure differences caused by the sun's uneven heating of earth's surface, and is harnessed using wind turbines to convert the kinetic energy in the wind into mechanical energy.
Hydroelectricenergy is energy from moving water that can be harnessed from running water of rivers, streams, or even ocean tides, and is utilized to generate electricity.
Hydroelectricenergy is a widely used form of renewable energy in the world and provides almost a quarter of the world's electricity.
Biomass (bagasse) energy is an energy source that comes from plant material, manure, and other organic matter like sawdust, paper waste, and banana peelings, and is a major source of energy in many developing countries.
Biomassenergy in the Philippines accounts for approximately 3.5% of the total energy generated in 2019.
The source of biomassenergy in the Philippines includ bagasse, coconut husk, and coconut shell.
biomassenergy is generated or produced by living or once-living organisms.