All bacteria are generally unicellular with a simple structure.
Bacteria are Prokaryotes, meaning their cell lacks a membrane-bound nucleus and lacks clearly defined sub-cellular organelles.
Bacteria have an enormous range of metabolic capacities and can be found in some of the most extreme environments on earth.
Only a small minority of bacteria causes disease.
All cells are Eukaryotes, Prokaryotes, Unicellular, and Multicellular.
Bacteria have no cell wall, while Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes have a cell wall.
The cell wall is unique to prokaryotes and serves various functions such as giving shape, protecting the cell from external stresses, contributing to virulence, and targeting for antimicrobials.
The bacterial cell consists of protoplasm, the body of the bacteria, and include the cytoplasmic membrane, cell wall, capsule, fimbriae/pili, and flagella.
The bacterial cell nucleoid contains a single chromosome and is a circular double-stranded DNA molecule (~1mm).
The cytoplasmic membrane of bacteria is a phospholipids and protein bilayer, multifunctional compared to Eukaryotes, with functions such as protein synthesis, electron transport, and oxidative phosphorylation.
The cell wall is rigid and surrounds the cell membrane, is semi-permeable, and functions to prevent osmotic lysis, protect the cell from external stresses, contribute to virulence, and target for antimicrobials.
The cell wall lies outside the cell membrane and bacteria have a cell wall containing a polymer called peptidoglycan, unique to prokaryotes, which is rigid and important in defining the shape of the cell and giving the cell mechanical strength.
Gram-negative cells have a thin layer of peptidoglycan in the periplasmic space.
The outer surface of the outer membrane of Gram-negative cells contains a unique lipid component, lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which is extremely important in pathogenesis.
Gram-negative cells have a second lipid bilayer called the outer membrane that enables diffusion across the outer membrane.
Gram-positive cells form a crystal violet-iodine complex.
Lugols Iodine is applied as a mordant or fixative in Gram stain.
Gram-negative bacteria undergoes decolorizing.
Gram-positive cells have a thick peptidoglycan layer that resists lysis by complement, but can still be opsonized.
The thickness of the peptidoglycan layer determines the Gram stain characteristic, which is used in the identification of bacteria.
Gram-positive cells contain Teichoic acids and lipoteichoic acids, which are polymers of ribitol or glycerol phosphates, and are interspersed within the peptidoglycan layer.
Gram-positive cells are joined by short peptides that attach to the N-acetyl muramic acid.
Primary stain for Gram stain is Ammonium oxalate crystal violet, which the cell wall absorbs.
Decolorizing agent for Gram stain is acetone or alcohol, which Gram-positive bacteria resists due to its thick peptidoglycan layer.
Gram-negative cells have a periplasmic space between the inner (cytoplasmic) and outer membrane.
Gram-positive cells have anchored Teichoic acids and lipoteichoic acids in the cell membrane.
The cell wall is essential for survival, as rupture of the cell wall leads to cell lysis.
Primary Stain: Gram positive bacteria.
Acid fast bacteria cannot be stained by Gram stain and are most similar to gram-positive bacteria.
Sex pili initiate conjugation.
Fimbriae and pili are short thin filaments around the bacteria, with fimbriae used for adhesion to host cells and pili by attaching to other bacteria can transfer DNA.
Reactivation, or "germination", is the process of reactivating dormant bacteria.
Gram positive bacteria are stained with a primary stain.
The cell wall of acid fast bacteria is composed of fatty acids which contribute to virulence.
Dormant or stationary phase bacteria, such as Bacillus species and Clostridia species, form spores.
Mycoplasma are very labile, have a small genome, and are the simplest free-living organisms.
Bacillus anthracis capsule is made of lipoproteins.
Bacteria may have flagella used in locomotion, which are long thin filaments (0.02 µm) that can be polar or peritrichous.
Mycolic acid, arabinogalactans, and sulfolipids are mycobacterial virulence factors.