Cards (5)

  • What are groynes?
    Timber or rock structures built at right angles to the coast. They trap sediment being moved along the coast by longshore drift - building up the beach.
  • What are some advantages of groynes?
    Some advantages of groynes are:
    • The built-up beach increases tourist potential and protects the land behind it
    • Groynes work with natural processes to build up the beach
    • They are not too expensive
  • What are some disadvantages of groynes?
    Some disadvantages of groynes are:
    • Terminal groyne syndrome - groynes starve beaches further along the coast of fresh sediment because they interrupt longshore drift.
    • This often leads to increased erosion elsewhere
    • Groynes are unnatural and rock groynes can be unattractive
  • What is the cost of groynes?
    £5000 to £10,000 each (at 200m intervals).
  • What is an example of a place where groynes are used?