Supporting sentence - details that relate to and support the topic sentence
Concluding sentence - a brief reflection or statement about the main idea
Chronological - information involves putting facts, events, concepts into sequence using time
Sequence / Order of Importance - information in the passage is organized in steps or a process is explained in the order in which it occurs
Problem-solution - tells about the problem and sometimes says why there is a problem then gives one or more possible solutions
Compare and Contrast - involves the similarities and differences of two or more things and
Cause and Effect - results of something are explained
Description - tells readers about the physical characteristics of a person, place, or thing. It relies on the five senses that creates vivid impressions for readers through language
Narration - explain what, when, and who. It reveals what a reader should learn. Narration paragraphs are usually written in chronological order. It should bring to life a moral, lesson, or idea.