The accrual principle states that revenue and expenses should be recognized when they are earned or incurred, regardless of when the cash is received or paid.
Accounting can be regulated by government, parlament, the market, stock exchange and accounting professions
Goals of economic entities are: liquidity, profitability and market value maximization
Accounting can be divided by structure into financial accounting and managment accountig
Definition of accounting: The process of recording, classifying, and summarizing financial information for decision making purposes.
Accounting regulations can be found in International Accounting Standards, International Auditing Standards, Accounting Act, EU Directives and regulations of the Ministry of Finance
Financial statements include balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement and notes to the accounts
Balance Sheet - shows assets, liabilities and equity at a specific point in time
Income statement shows revenues, expenses and net income or loss over a period of time
Cash flow statement shows inflows and outflows of cash during a specific period
Functions of accounting are informative, analytival, controllling and stimulation
Whole accounting process consists of data collecting, analysis and interpretation
Double entry bookkeeping ensures accuracy by balancing debits with credits
Data collecting is a process of measurment, documentation, recording, cost settlement, cost calculation and reporting
Users of accounting informations are managers, investors, employees, suppliers, customers, public and government
Plan of accounts is the principles of their functioning and relationship between them
Cash principle - only cash income is income
Going concern assupmtion - assuming that the company can survive
True and fair view - accounting should cover inflation, currency, fluctations and market site
Prudence principle - real and updated information (if not sure, use pessimistic option)
Periodicity principle - in income statement use specific periods
Matching principle - expenses are matched with revenue
Spearate entity assupmtion - accounting in other units should be separated
Consistency principle - need to be consisrent year by year
Accounting systems divide into anglo-american model, continental model, south-american model, communist model and mixes
Anglo-American model is based on double entry bookkeeping system
South American model has similarities to the Anglo-American model but also includes cash basis accounting
Asset - resource controlled by the entity as a result of past events and from which it expects to benefit in the future (all value you poses)
Liability - a present obligation of the entity arising from past events, settlement of which is expected to result in outflow from the entity of resources embodying economic benefits
Equity - residual interest in assets of an entity that remains after deducting liabilities
Shareholder's equity - total value of all the shares in a company, including the value of any reserves
Fixed assets - long term use, don't change their form, are consumed gradually
Current asset - short term use, can be converted into cash within one year or less
Entity is classified as a current liability, when
it expects to settle liability in normal operating cycle
it holds the liability solemny for the purpose of trading
is due to be settled within 12 months after reporting period
it doesn't have an unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability for at least 12 months after the reporting period (terms of the liability that could, at the option of the counterparty, result in its settlement by the issue of equity instruments do not affect its classification)
Research - original and planned investigation undertaken with the prospect of gaining gnew scientific/technical knowledge and understandin
Research consists of
activities aimed at obtaining new knowledge
the search for evalutaion and final selection of application of research findings and other knowledge
the services for alternatives for materials, devices, products, processes, systems or services
the forumulations, designs, evaluation and final selection of possible alternatives for new or improved materials, devices, products, processes , systems or services
Development - application of research findings or other knowledge to a plan or design of a product or service before the start od commercial production and use
Depraciation - decreasment of value of units of account, usually due to inflation
Amortization - reduction in the value of fixed asset and the intengible assets as the result of its consumption
Amortization methods
linear method (the amortization allowance is the same year
degressive methods (the amortization changes for lower year by year)