Physical Science

Cards (45)

  • Big Bang
    This term does not imply that there was an explosion but the truth is there was an expansion.
  • The term "Big Bang" does not imply an explosion but the expansion of the universe.
  • Nucleosynthesis is the process that creates new atomic nucleus from preexisting nucleons, primarily protons and neutron.
  • Big bang Nucleosynthesis is the process that created elements in the early universe.
  • Nuclear fusion is the process by which light nuclei fuse together to form a heavier nucleus.
  • Stellar nucleosynthesis is the process by which elements are created within stars by combining together the proton and neutrons from the nuclei of lighter elements.
  • A supernova is a massive explosion of stars.
  • Hydrogen has the simplest nucleus among all the elements.
  • In a neutron capture reaction, heavy elements are created by the addition of more neutrons to existing nuclei instead of fusion of light nuclei.
  • Isotopes are a form of elements that has the same atomic number of the original element but with a different atomic mass number.
  • The Big Bang Theory explains the early universe's expansion, not the formation of elements.
  • High temperature can lead to the collision of particles.
  • The nucleus contains protons and neutrons, while electrons orbit around the nucleus.
  • The nucleus consists of protons and neutrons, not electrons.
  • Electrons have a negative charge.
  • Protons, neutrons, and electrons are the three subatomic particles.
  • The periodic table is arranged based on increasing atomic number.
  • The atomic mass is the sum of protons and neutrons, not electrons.
  • In isotope notation, the atomic mass is written as a subscript, not a superscript.
  • In isotope notation, the atomic mass is written as a subscript and the mass number is written as a superscript.
  • According to the theory, the universe has been expanding ever since it first formed about 13 billion years ago.
  • Atoms are the basic unit of a chemical element, the smallest unit of matter, and a source of nuclear energy
  • Elements are pure substances
  • The theory of an atom started in the 5th century BCE in ancient Greek.
  • Atomos is a Greek word that means indivisible
  • Leucippus was the first to propose the idea of an atom
  • Democritus, Leucippus' student, also believed in the concept of atoms and pointed out that all matter was composed of small indestructible particles
  • Atomists were supporters of the theory proposed by Leucippus and Democritus
  • Aristotle strongly opposed the atomists' theory, believing that all things can be divided infinitely
  • Daniel Sennert turned metal into acid
  • Boyle coined the term mechanical philosophy
  • Andreas Libavius was prominent in the early 17th century
  • John Dalton revived the atomic theory 2000 years after Democritus and Leucippus proposed it. He formulated his theory based on Antoine Lavoisier's law
  • CRT is a glass tube with two electrodes: anode (positive electrode) and cathode (negative electrode)
  • Julius Plucker was the first to identify cathode rays
  • Karl Ferdinand Braun improved the CRT using the Braun tube, which led to the development of computer monitors
  • Eugen Goldstein, a German physicist, was an early investigator of discharge tubes, discovered anode rays, and found positively charged subatomic particles
  • Ernest Rutherford coined the term "proton" and verified Thompson's atomic model through his gold foil experiment
  • JJ Thompson, using the CRT experiment, discovered that the atom is composed of negatively charged particles known as electrons
  • James Chadwick, in 1932, discovered neutral particles called neutrons