2.4 content

Cards (17)

  • equation for market share
    business sales/ market sales x 100
  • equation for annual profit
    total profit/ number of years
  • equation for average rate of return (arr)
    average annual profit/ cot of investment x 100
  • what is arr
    quantitative method to see whether the investment is worthwhile
  • whats an investment
    when money is used to purchase an asset to later generate profit
  • whats the difference between net and gross profit
    gross profit- tells us if the products are successful net profit- tell us if the business is successful
  • net profit margin
    Net Income/Sales revenue x 100
  • gross profit margin equation
    gross profit/ sales revenue x 100
  • net profit equation
    gross profit- other expenses
  • what is net profit
    profit the business generates after paying expenses and interest
  • gross profit equation
    revenue- cost of sales
  • what is gross profit
    the amount of money the business makes after costs of sales are deducted from sale revenue
  • contribution formula
    Selling price - variable costs
  • profit equation
    profit= revenue- expenses
  • total costs equation
    fixed costs + variable costs
  • variable costs equation
    cost x quantity
  • Revenue equation
    revenue = Price x Quantity