experimental methods

Cards (8)

  • Laboratory research is conducted in highly controlled conditions, is very replicable, and easy to control confounding and extraneous variables.
  • Field research involves the independent variable being manipulated in a natural environment, is valid and authentic, but lacks mundane realism as participants cannot consent to the experiment.
  • Natural research lacks control over the independent variable as it would happen anyway, can be done under highly controlled conditions in a lab, and allows research that wouldn't normally get done to be done.
  • Quasi research involves an independent variable that is based on existing differences, has high external validity, high demand characteristics, and low internal validity.
  • Pilot study is a small scale trial run of the investigation to ensure there are no problems with the research later on, saving money and time in the long run.
  • Mundane realism refers to how realistic the task that the participants are doing is compared to real life.
  • Standardisation in research involves all participants being subjected to the same environment, information, and research, including instructions.
  • Non-standardisation changes in procedures do not act as extraneous variables.