Quiz 1 (Book 1 & Book 6)

Cards (37)

  • Apollo
    Son of Leto and Zeus
    Greek God who sided with Agamemnon
  • Chryses
    Priest of Apollo
    Trojan Side
  • Achilles
    Son of Peleus (mortal) and Thetis (goddess), conflicted with Agamemnon throughout the Iliad
  • Agamemnon
    King of Mycenae
    Commander of the Greeks in the Trojan War
  • Patroclus
    Achilles' closest friend, died by Hector ( leader of the Trojans )
  • Coalition
    An alliance of people or things unified toward a common goal
  • Syllabary
    An alphabet in which a symbol corresponds to each syllable
  • Hexameter
    A six-beat line
  • Poetic Ad-libbing
    To deliver poetry spontaneously
  • Anachronistic
    An error in chronology
  • Bard
    A tribal poet-singer skilled in composing and reciting verses on heroes and their deeds
  • Recompense
    Payment to something because of a loss or injury
  • Menis
    Wrath of the gods
  • Ruinous
    Disastrous or destructive
  • Virulent
    A disease that is extremely severe or harmful, also means bitterly or hostile
  • Pryres
    A heap of wood for burning a dead body
  • Achaeans
    Refers to the Greeks
  • Seer
    A person who is supposed to be able, through supernatural insight, to see what the future holds
  • Omen
    An event regarded as a portent of good or evil
  • Aegis
    The protection of a particular person or organization
  • Scepter
    A wooden staff that symbolizes authority
  • Hearken
  • Hecatomb
    A great public sacrifice of up to 100 cattle to the Greek Gods
  • Stern
    The rearmost part of a ship or boat
  • Mooring
    Place to tie a boat
  • Propitiate
    Win the favor of a person by doing something that pleases them
  • Libations
    Pouring of a liquid as an offering to a deity
  • What is the fight over?
    Trojans vs. Greeks
    Centralized towards the conflict of protecting one's honor and pride between the Greek commanders, Achilles and Agamemnon.
    Achilles- felt dishonored by Agamemnon, as he stole his prize and felt belittled, since he played the biggest part in the Greek war and Agamemnon had received all the credit for it
    Agamemnon- felt like Achilles was trying to overpower Agamemnon(disrespected) and wanted to protect his pride by his power as king, getting the credit as helping the Greeks
  • Mycenaeans
    • "Linear B" , a form of writing, syllabary
    • Centralized, tightly controlled economy
    • Used bronze for weapons, known as the 'Bronze Age'
    • Civilization ended around 1200 B.C.E due to invasion or war
  • Who is Homer?
    A blind, illiterate singer from the island of Chios wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey ( more of a legend than a fact )
  • Bossed
    A cover on the shield, which is the handle or grip used to hold the shield, purpose is to protect the hand of the person using the shield
  • Lineage
    Ancestry or descent from an ancestor
  • Chimaira
    A lion in front, hind part a serpent, and its middle a goat can also breathe fire
  • Colonnade
    A row of columns supporting a roof
  • Tumultuous
    Making a loud, confused noise
  • Lamented
    Mourn a loss or death of a person
  • What is the fight over?
    General: Trojan War, between the Trojans and the Greeks
    Achilles vs. Agamemnon
    Both are fighting with each other to protect their pride and honor
    Agamemnon: feels disrespected when Achilles points out his weaknesses of selfishness and cowardice.
    Achilles: stood up against the King, and wanted to feel respected as his equal. Agamemnon dishonored him by taking his 'prize' and Achilles left the Greeks to help the Trojans ( ultimately trying to get his revenge against Agamemnon)