observational learning: a type of social learning where a person learns new info/behaviors by observing the behaviors of others
bobo doll study (albert bandura): children model/imitate behavior of adults
you are more likely to imitate:
people who are rewarded for their behavior
warm, nurturant people
controlling, influential, social status people
people similar to you
when task is easy
if you lack confidence/are in an unfamiliar situation
if you were rewarded for imitating behavior in the past
Media influence: TV shows, movies, online videos promote antisocial (negative, unhelpful, deconstructive) effects
Vicarious learning: a phenomenon where we learn by vicariously experiencing what others are experiencing (the same areas of our brains light up)
Imitation: copying the actions or behaviors of others without understanding the reasoning behind it, vs. Modeling: the process of observing and imitating a specific behavior
Prosocial behaviors: positive, constructive, helpful behavior; the opposite of antisocial behavior