Sunk costs are the money spent on marketing, research or specific capital with little resale value cannot be recovered if the firm decided to leave the industry
Monopolies benefit from economies if scale. Lower long-run average costs will allow a firm to keep prices low and so deter entry as new entrants may not be able to keep prices as low and make supernormal profits
Legalbarriers such as patents, copyrights, government licenses and public franchises can all prevent other firms joining the market
Consumer have brandloyalty towards a particular product and so their demand is price inelastic and new firms trying to enter the market must advertise heavily and successfully in order to gain marketshare
A monopoly is neither productively or allocatively efficient
A pure monoploy is where there is only 1 firm in the market
Monopoly power is where a firm has the ability to behave without competitivepressure. They have around 25% market share
Where would these points occur:
profit maximising (MC=MR)
revenue maximising (MR=0)
allocative efficiency (MC=AR)
productive efficiency (bottom of the AC curve)
breaking even (AR=AC)
Economies of scale is when averagecostfalls as outputincreases
The minimum efficiency scale is the smallest level of output that will achieve lowestaverage costs
A natural monopoly is where there is only one firm in the market due to high costs, a high Minimumefficientscale and limited demand