Carbs are like fuel for your body. Active or growing people need lots of Carbs, Contained in - bread, potatoes, cereals. It is used for energy.
Lipids (fats and oils) provide energy. Lipid-rich foods include butter and chips
Proteins provide materials to make newcells and to repairdamagedtissues, such as muscles. Beans, eggs, fish, meat and milk are high in protein.
Vitamins are vital in many processes. For example, vitamin K helps blood to clot and vitamin C prevents illness. Fruit and vegetables are vitamin-rich.
minerals These include iron, used to transport oxygen in the blood, and calcium, used in making bones and teeth.
Fibre is not a nutrient. It cannot be absorbed by the body and contains no calories or vitamins, however it is necessary for a balanced and healthy diet.
Around 70% of human body mass is water. Chemical reactions in cells take place in water and the blood transports substances dissolved in water.
DNA is the genetic code which makes up genes, which are responsible for giving an organism a specific characteristic.
DNA looks like a long double helix
genes - a small section of DNA that gives a specific characteristic
XX = female
XY = male
inheritance - the passing of characteristics determined by genes from parents to offspring
Bacteria live on fibre in your diet in the large intestines and make important vitamins
Where food is chewed
salivary glands
Add enzymes
makes enzymes
make bile
carries food to the stomach
gall bladder
stores bile
bile duct
bile travels to small intestines
churns food and starts chemical digestion of protiens