
    Subdecks (5)

    Cards (124)

    • What is the most prevalent phobia in the Uk?
      Social anxiety
    • Are phobias long term or short term?
      long term
    • are fears long term or short term?
      short term
    • what is a phobia?
      an irrational fear of an object or situation
    • what are phobias classed as?
      an anxiety disorder
    • what does an individual with a phobiaa show?
      a marked and persistent fear
    • what does exposure to the stimulus cause?
      a reaction (eg panic attack or crying in children)
    • what does the person with the phobia recognise?
      that this is excessive or unreasonable reaction
    • What do phobias impact?
      Quality of Life and routine (eg occupation)
    • What are common\?
      panic attacks
    • how long do people under 18 need to show symptoms for to be diagnosed with a phobia?

      at least 6 months
    • what are the 3 types of phobia?
      • Simple/specific phobias
      • Social phobias
      • Agoraphobia
    • What are simple/specific phobias?
      Sufferers have a fear of specific things and environments
      • eg animal phobias, injury phobias (blood), situational (flying) , natural environment (water , clouds)
    • What's the most common category of phobias?
      simple/specific phobias
    • what are social phobias?
      performance phobias, interaction phobias, generalised phobias (crowd eg football match)
    • what do social phobias leadto?
      avoidance and can negatively affect their quality of life
    • when do social phoias usually start?
      In adolescence , NO CLEAR TRIGGER
    • What is agoraphobia?
      Fear of their environment being unsafe and not being able to escape (crowds, open spaces)
    • what will people with agoraphobia do?
      avoid such situations (eg crowds, open spaces) and are extremely anxious if anticipating them
      Avoid going out, leading to serious dertioration of quality of life
    • What's the least common type of phobia?
    • what are phobias classed as?
      an anxiety disorder
    • what is a phobis (definition)?
      phobias = anxiety disorders characterised by extreme irrational fears