Interpersonal Exam 1

Cards (33)

  • What are martin buber's 3 levels of communication?
  • What is the linear model?
    Communication as a linear, or one-way, process in which one person acts on another person.
  • What is the Interactive model? (also look at figure in book)
    communication as a process in which listeners give feedback, which is a response to a message.
  • What is the transactional models?
    the more accurate communication because it emphasizes the dynamism of interpersonal communication and the multiple roles people assume during the process.
  • Wha are abraham maslow's hierarchy of needs?
    physical needs, safety needs, belonging needs, self-esteem, selfactualization
  • what are the 8 principles of interpersonal communication?

    1. We cannot not communicate
    2. interpersonal communication is irreversible
    3. interpersonal communication involves ethical choices
    4. people construct meanings in interpersonal communication
    5. Metacommunication affects meanings
    6. interpersonal communication develops and sustains relationships
    7. interpersonal communication is not a panacea
    8. interpersonal communication effectiveness can be learned
  • what are the guideline for interpersonal communication competence?
    developing a range of communication skills
    adapting communication appropriately
    engaging dual perspective
    monitoring communication
    committing to ethical interpersonal communication
  • what are the 4 kinds of noise?
    Physical, physiological, psychological, semantic.
  • What is content meaning?

    deals with literal or denotative meaning
  • What is relationship meaning?

    communication expresses about relationships between communicators.
  • What is metacommunication?
    Communication about communication.
  • what is Particular others?
    who are specific people who are important in our lives.
  • What is general others?

    which he meant the general, or overall society.
  • What are the attachment styles?
    secure attachment, fearful attachment, dismissive attachment, anxious/ambivalent attachment
  • What are the gudielines for enriching the self?
    1.make a firm commitment to personal growth
    2. gain and use knowledge to support personal growth
    3.self-disclose when appropriate
    4.set goals that are realistic and fair context that supports personal change
  • what is the johair window?
    The Johari Window is a psychological tool used to understand self-awareness and interpersonal relationships.
  • what is direct definition?

    communication that tells us explicitly who we are by labeling us and our behaviors.
  • what is reflected appraisal?

    our perception of anothers view of us
  • What are identity scripts?

    which are rules for living and identity
  • What is Face?

    the impression of self that we want others to accept when we are interacting in social situations
  • What is impression management?

    how we use communication in an effort to persuade others to believe in that the face we present.
  • what is perception?

    is the active process of creating meaning by selecting organizing and interpreting people objects events situation and other phenomena
  • what is prototypes?

    the clearest or most representative example of some category
  • Whats is personal constructs?

    "mental yardstick" we use to measure a person or situation along a bipolar dimension of judgment.
  • What are stereotype?

    predictive generalization appiled to a person or situation.
  • what are scripts?

    is a guide to action
  • what is interpretation?

    subjective process of explaining our perceptions in ways that make sense to us.
  • What is attributions and its 4 dimensions?
    attribution: explanation of why something happened or why someone acts a certain way.
    dimensions: locus, stability, specificity, responsibility
  • what is self serving bias?

    implies this is a bias toward ourselves and our interests.
  • What is fundamnetal attribution error?

    this involves the dimension of locus, we tend to overestimate the internal cause of to thers undesirable behaviors and underestimate the external causes.
  • what is cognitive complexity?

    refers to the number of personal constructs used, how abstract they are, and how elaborately they interact to shape perceptions
  • what is implicit personality theory?

    collection of unspoken and sometime unconscious assumptions about how various qualities fit together in human personalities
  • what are the guidelines for improving perception and communication?

    recognize that all perceptions are partial and subjective
    avoid mind reading
    check perceptions with others
    distinguish between facts and inferences
    guard against the self serving bias
    guard against the fundamental attribution error
    monitor lables