
Cards (27)

  • eukaryotic cell structure key derived traits: nucleus, membrane bound organelles, cytoskeleton
  • primary endosymbiosis: eukaryotic cell engulfing a prokaryote
  • example of primary endosymbiosis: mitochondria, chloroplast
  • secondary endosymbiosis: eukaryotic cell engulfs another eukaryotic cell that undergone primary endosymbiosis
  • example of secondary endosymbiosis: red or green algae
  • 5 eukaryotic supergroups: archaeplastida, SAR, amoebozoans, opisthokonta, discoba
  • archaeplastida shared derived trait: chloroplast via 1 degree endosymbiosis
  • examples of archeaplastida: red and green algae
  • red algae: mostly multicellular, live in deep tropic waters
  • green algae groups: chlorophytes and charophytes
  • SAR shared derived trait: 2 degree endosymbiosis of red algae
  • SAR major clades: stramenopiles, alveolates, rhizarians
  • stramenopiles shared derived trait: flagellum with hair and smooth
  • stramenopiles 3 main groups: diatoms, folden algae, brown algae
  • alveolates shared derived trait: alveoli - flattened vesicles in plasma membrane
  • alveolates groups: dinoflagellates, apicomplexans, cillates
  • rhizarians shared derived trait: genetic similarities
  • ameobozoans: typical blob shape, lobe or tube shaped pseudopodia
  • amoebozoans groups: entamoebas - free-living or parasitic, entamoeba histolytica - amoebic dysentry
  • opisthikonta: diverse group, animals, fungi, protists
  • opisthokonta groups: nucleariids, choanoflagellates
  • nucleariids: protist, closely related to fungi
  • choanoflagellates: unicellular, closely related to animals
  • discoba shared derived trait: crystalline rod in flagella
  • discoba groups: trypanosomes, euglenids
  • trypanosomes: often pathogenic
  • euglenids: often mixotrophic