Cards (12)

  • Select : This selects objects including links, shapes, and text areas. This is useful in selecting objects that are behind the text.
  • Label This type of control is Unbound and is used in a form to provide descriptive text for text boxes, buttons, titles, or instructions.
  • Text Box This type of control can be bound or unbound, and is used to display values stored in fields in a table or query, including calculated fields. It is Bound if it is linked to a data in a field, and Unbound if it is used to display the result of a computation.
  • Button This type of control is used to perform an action or a set of actions when clicked. You can use this control to open a form or table, run a query, or print reports.
  • Link This type of control is used to insert a link from another location, a file on the user's computer, a website, or an e-mail address. Web Browser Control This type is an Unbound control that is used to link a web browser just like the hyperlink.
    Navigation Control This type is an Unbound control that is used if you want to add navigations in your form.
  • Combo Box

    This type of control is used to provide users with a list of values that can either be Bound to a field in a table or Unbound which stores values not related with any of the tables.
  • List Box This type of control is used to display records one at a time just like combo box but is displayed differently. You cannot enter new values using this control.
  • Check Box This type of control is used to toggle an option on or off that is usually Bound to a Yes / No field in the table. If the check box is marked, the value is Yes, and if not, the value is No.
  • Attachment
    This type of control will allow the form to access files stored in the underlying table as attachments
  • Subreport / Subform
    This type of control is a form within a form that also displays data records from more than one table. It is very useful when viewing records based on two tables with one-to-many relationships.
  • Image This type of control is used to display Unbound pictures on a form or report. Once an image is added to a form, it becomes static picture, which means it cannot be edited from within Access once this has been added.
  • HAbol:
    tab control : separate the pages , section to section